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import AVFoundation
import MediaAccessibility
import Promises
let RCTVideoUnset = -1
// MARK: - RCTPlayerOperations
* Collection of mutating functions
enum RCTPlayerOperations {
static func setSideloadedText(player: AVPlayer?, textTracks: [TextTrack], criteria: SelectedTrackCriteria?) -> Promise<Void> {
return Promise {
let type = criteria?.type
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let trackCount: Int! = player?.currentItem?.tracks.count ?? 0
// The first few tracks will be audio & video track
var firstTextIndex = 0
for i in 0 ..< trackCount where (player?.currentItem?.tracks[i].assetTrack?.hasMediaCharacteristic(.legible)) != nil {
firstTextIndex = i
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var selectedTrackIndex: Int = RCTVideoUnset
if type == "disabled" {
// Select the last text index which is the disabled text track
selectedTrackIndex = trackCount - firstTextIndex
} else if type == "language" {
let selectedValue = criteria?.value as? String
for i in 0 ..< textTracks.count {
let currentTextTrack = textTracks[i]
if selectedValue == currentTextTrack.language {
selectedTrackIndex = i
} else if type == "title" {
let selectedValue = criteria?.value as? String
for i in 0 ..< textTracks.count {
let currentTextTrack = textTracks[i]
if selectedValue == currentTextTrack.title {
selectedTrackIndex = i
} else if type == "index" {
if let value = criteria?.value, let index = value as? Int {
if textTracks.count > index {
selectedTrackIndex = index
2023-08-12 12:18:47 +02:00
// in the situation that a selected text track is not available (eg. specifies a textTrack not available)
if (type != "disabled") && selectedTrackIndex == RCTVideoUnset {
let captioningMediaCharacteristics = MACaptionAppearanceCopyPreferredCaptioningMediaCharacteristics(.user)
let captionSettings = captioningMediaCharacteristics as? [AnyHashable]
if (captionSettings?.contains(AVMediaCharacteristic.transcribesSpokenDialogForAccessibility)) != nil {
selectedTrackIndex = 0 // If we can't find a match, use the first available track
let systemLanguage = NSLocale.preferredLanguages.first
for i in 0 ..< textTracks.count {
let currentTextTrack = textTracks[i]
if systemLanguage == currentTextTrack.language {
selectedTrackIndex = i
for i in firstTextIndex ..< trackCount {
var isEnabled = false
if selectedTrackIndex != RCTVideoUnset {
isEnabled = i == selectedTrackIndex + firstTextIndex
player?.currentItem?.tracks[i].isEnabled = isEnabled
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static func setStreamingText(player: AVPlayer?, criteria: SelectedTrackCriteria?) {
let type = criteria?.type
var mediaOption: AVMediaSelectionOption!
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RCTVideoAssetsUtils.getMediaSelectionGroup(asset: player?.currentItem?.asset, for: .legible).then { group in
guard let group else { return }
if type == "disabled" {
// Do nothing. We want to ensure option is nil
} else if (type == "language") || (type == "title") {
let value = criteria?.value as? String
for i in 0 ..< group.options.count {
let currentOption: AVMediaSelectionOption! = group.options[i]
var optionValue: String!
if type == "language" {
optionValue = currentOption.extendedLanguageTag
} else {
optionValue =\.value)[0] as! String
if value == optionValue {
mediaOption = currentOption
// } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"default"]) {
// option = group.defaultOption; */
} else if type == "index" {
if let value = criteria?.value, let index = value as? Int {
if group.options.count > index {
mediaOption = group.options[index]
} else { // default. invalid type or "system"
#if os(tvOS)
// Do noting. Fix for tvOS native audio menu language selector
player?.currentItem?.selectMediaOptionAutomatically(in: group)
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#if os(tvOS)
// Do noting. Fix for tvOS native audio menu language selector
// If a match isn't found, option will be nil and text tracks will be disabled
player?.currentItem?.select(mediaOption, in: group)
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static func setMediaSelectionTrackForCharacteristic(player: AVPlayer?, characteristic: AVMediaCharacteristic, criteria: SelectedTrackCriteria?) {
let type = criteria?.type
var mediaOption: AVMediaSelectionOption!
RCTVideoAssetsUtils.getMediaSelectionGroup(asset: player?.currentItem?.asset, for: characteristic).then { group in
guard let group else { return }
if type == "disabled" {
// Do nothing. We want to ensure option is nil
} else if (type == "language") || (type == "title") {
let value = criteria?.value as? String
for i in 0 ..< group.options.count {
let currentOption: AVMediaSelectionOption! = group.options[i]
var optionValue: String!
if type == "language" {
optionValue = currentOption.extendedLanguageTag
} else {
optionValue =\.value)[0] as? String
if value == optionValue {
mediaOption = currentOption
// } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"default"]) {
// option = group.defaultOption; */
} else if type == "index" {
if let value = criteria?.value, let index = value as? Int {
if group.options.count > index {
mediaOption = group.options[index]
} else { // default. invalid type or "system"
player?.currentItem?.selectMediaOptionAutomatically(in: group)
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// If a match isn't found, option will be nil and text tracks will be disabled
player?.currentItem?.select(mediaOption, in: group)
static func seek(player: AVPlayer, playerItem: AVPlayerItem, paused: Bool, seekTime: Float, seekTolerance: Float) -> Promise<Bool> {
let timeScale = 1000
let cmSeekTime: CMTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(Float64(seekTime), preferredTimescale: Int32(timeScale))
let current: CMTime = playerItem.currentTime()
let tolerance: CMTime = CMTimeMake(value: Int64(seekTolerance), timescale: Int32(timeScale))
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return Promise<Bool>(on: .global()) { fulfill, reject in
guard CMTimeCompare(current, cmSeekTime) != 0 else {
reject(NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: nil))
if !paused { player.pause() } cmSeekTime, toleranceBefore: tolerance, toleranceAfter: tolerance, completionHandler: { (finished: Bool) in
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static func configureAudio(ignoreSilentSwitch: String, mixWithOthers: String, audioOutput: String) {
let audioSession: AVAudioSession! = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
var category: AVAudioSession.Category?
var options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions?
if ignoreSilentSwitch == "ignore" {
category = audioOutput == "earpiece" ? AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord : AVAudioSession.Category.playback
} else if ignoreSilentSwitch == "obey" {
category = AVAudioSession.Category.ambient
if mixWithOthers == "mix" {
options = .mixWithOthers
} else if mixWithOthers == "duck" {
options = .duckOthers
if let category, let options {
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(category, options: options)
} catch {
debugPrint("[RCTPlayerOperations] Problem setting up AVAudioSession category and options. Error: \(error).")
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#if !os(tvOS)
// Handle specific set category and option combination error
// setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback withOptions:mixWithOthers || duckOthers
// Failed to set category, error: 'what' Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
do {
debugPrint("[RCTPlayerOperations] Reseting AVAudioSession category to playAndRecord with defaultToSpeaker options.")
try audioSession.setCategory(
audioOutput == "earpiece" ? AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord : AVAudioSession.Category.playback,
options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.defaultToSpeaker
} catch {
debugPrint("[RCTPlayerOperations] Reseting AVAudioSession category and options problem. Error: \(error).")
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} else if let category, options == nil {
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(category)
} catch {
debugPrint("[RCTPlayerOperations] Problem setting up AVAudioSession category. Error: \(error).")
} else if category == nil, let options {
do {
try audioSession.setCategory(audioSession.category, options: options)
} catch {
debugPrint("[RCTPlayerOperations] Problem setting up AVAudioSession options. Error: \(error).")