Mike Kalange 194c258dcd
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Tests / Tests (pull_request) Successful in 15s
Expand GQL Interfaces To Accomodate Multiple Stream Types
2024-07-12 18:50:50 -06:00

404 lines
7.7 KiB

type Query {
aggregateInput: AggregateInputGQL!
): [AggregateResultGQL!]!
getBucketSet(keyName: String!): BucketSetGQL
getDeployedConfig: DeployedConfigGQL!
videoId: ID!
intervalDuration: Int! = 300
): [MakePercentageIntervalGQL!]!
getShots(filterInput: FilterInput!): [ShotGQL!]!
getShotAnnotationTypes: [ShotAnnotationTypeGQL!]!
getUser(userId: Int!): UserGQL
getLoggedInUser: UserGQL
getPlayTime(userId: Int!): UserPlayTimeGQL!
userId: Int = null
limit: Int! = 5
after: String = null
filters: VideoFilterInput = null
): VideoHistoryGQL!
getVideo(videoId: Int!): VideoGQL!
getVideos(videoIds: [Int!]!): [VideoGQL!]!
type AggregateResultGQL {
aggregationIdentifiers: [AggregationIdentifierGQL!]!
targetMetrics: TargetMetricsGQL!
type AggregationIdentifierGQL {
featureName: String!
groupName: String!
type TargetMetricsGQL {
count: Int!
makePercentage: Float
averageDifficulty: Float
input AggregateInputGQL {
aggregations: [AggregationInput!]!
filterInput: FilterInput
input AggregationInput @oneOf {
bucketSet: BucketSetInputGQL
enum: EnumAggregation
input BucketSetInputGQL {
feature: String!
buckets: [BucketInputGQL!]!
input BucketInputGQL {
rangeKey: String!
lowerBound: Float!
input EnumAggregation {
feature: String!
input FilterInput @oneOf {
andFilters: [FilterInput!]
orFilters: [FilterInput!]
notFilter: FilterInput
cueObjectDistance: RangeFilter
targetPocketDistance: RangeFilter
cueObjectAngle: RangeFilter
cueBallSpeed: RangeFilter
difficulty: RangeFilter
intendedPocketType: [PocketEnum!]
shotDirection: [ShotDirectionEnum!]
videoId: [Int!]
userId: [Int!]
make: [Boolean!]
tags: [VideoTagInput!]
annotations: [ShotAnnotationInput!]
isStraight: [Boolean!]
isRight: [Boolean!]
isLeft: [Boolean!]
isLeftMiss: [Boolean!]
isRightMiss: [Boolean!]
isDirect: [Boolean!]
bankAngle: RangeFilter
bankDistance: RangeFilter
kickAngle: RangeFilter
kickDistance: RangeFilter
input RangeFilter {
lessThan: Float = null
greaterThanEqualTo: Float = null
enum PocketEnum {
enum ShotDirectionEnum {
input VideoTagInput {
tagClasses: [VideoTagClassInput!]! = []
name: String!
input VideoTagClassInput {
name: String!
input ShotAnnotationInput {
name: String!
type BucketSetGQL {
keyName: String!
feature: String!
buckets: [BucketGQL!]!
type BucketGQL {
rangeKey: String!
lowerBound: Float!
type DeployedConfigGQL {
allowNewUsers: Boolean!
firebase: Boolean!
devMode: Boolean!
environment: String!
type MakePercentageIntervalGQL {
makePercentage: Float!
elapsedTime: Float!
type ShotGQL {
id: Int!
videoId: Int!
startFrame: Int!
endFrame: Int!
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
cueObjectFeatures: CueObjectFeaturesGQL
pocketingIntentionFeatures: PocketingIntentionFeaturesGQL
bankFeatures: BankFeaturesGQL
serializedShotPaths: SerializedShotPathsGQL
user: UserGQL
Date with time (isoformat)
scalar DateTime
type CueObjectFeaturesGQL {
cueObjectDistance: Float
cueObjectAngle: Float
cueBallSpeed: Float
shotDirection: ShotDirectionEnum
type PocketingIntentionFeaturesGQL {
targetPocketDistance: Float
make: Boolean
intendedPocketType: PocketEnum
difficulty: Float
type BankFeaturesGQL {
wallsHit: [WallTypeEnum!]!
bankAngle: Float!
distance: Float!
enum WallTypeEnum {
type SerializedShotPathsGQL {
b64EncodedBuffer: String
type UserGQL {
id: Int!
firebaseUid: String!
username: String!
activeVideoId: Int
profileImageUri: String
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
type ShotAnnotationTypeGQL {
id: Int!
name: String!
type UserPlayTimeGQL {
totalSeconds: Float!
type VideoHistoryGQL {
videos: [VideoGQL!]!
pageInfo: PageInfoGQL!
type VideoGQL {
id: Int!
owner: UserGQL
name: String
screenshotUri: String
totalShotsMade: Int!
totalShots: Int!
makePercentage: Float!
medianRun: Float
averageTimeBetweenShots: Float
createdAt: DateTime
updatedAt: DateTime
shots: [ShotGQL!]!
startTime: DateTime
endTime: DateTime
elapsedTime: Float
framesPerSecond: Float!
stream: UploadStreamGQL
playlist: HLSPlaylistGQL
tags: [VideoTag!]!
homographyHistory: [HomographyInfoGQL!]!
currentProcessing: VideoProcessingGQL
type UploadStreamGQL {
id: ID!
linksRequested: Int!
uploadsCompleted: Int!
segmentProcessingCursor: Int!
lastIntendedSegmentBound: Int
isCompleted: Boolean!
lowestUnuploadedSegmentIndex: Int!
uploadCompletionCursor: Int!
errors: [StreamErrorGQL!]!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
segments: [UploadSegmentGQL!]!
type StreamErrorGQL {
message: String!
type UploadSegmentGQL {
segmentIndex: Int!
uploaded: Boolean!
valid: Boolean!
endFrameIndex: Int
framesPerSecond: Float
durationsInSeconds: Float
linksRequested: Int!
type HLSPlaylistGQL {
videoId: Int!
m3u8Text: String!
segmentDurations: [Float!]!
type VideoTag {
tagClasses: [VideoTagClass!]!
name: String!
type VideoTagClass {
name: String!
type HomographyInfoGQL {
frameIndex: Int!
crop: BoundingBoxGQL!
pockets: [BoundingBoxGQL!]!
sourcePoints: PocketPointsGQL!
destPoints: PocketPointsGQL!
type BoundingBoxGQL {
left: Float!
top: Float!
width: Float!
height: Float!
type PocketPointsGQL {
topLeft: IntPoint2D!
topSide: IntPoint2D!
topRight: IntPoint2D!
bottomLeft: IntPoint2D!
bottomSide: IntPoint2D!
bottomRight: IntPoint2D!
type IntPoint2D {
x: Int!
y: Int!
type VideoProcessingGQL {
errors: [VideoProcessingErrorGQL!]!
type VideoProcessingErrorGQL {
message: String!
startSegmentIndex: Int
endSegmentIndex: Int
type PageInfoGQL {
hasNextPage: Boolean!
endCursor: String
input VideoFilterInput {
isStreamCompleted: Boolean = null
requireCursorCompletion: Boolean! = true
type Mutation {
createBucketSet(params: CreateBucketSetInput!): BucketSetGQL!
setLoggerLevel(path: String!, level: String!): Boolean!
getProfileImageUploadLink(fileExt: String = ".png"): GetUploadLinkReturn!
editProfileImageUri(profileImageUri: String!): UserGQL!
videoMetadata: VideoMetadataInput!
): CreateUploadStreamReturn!
getUploadLink(videoId: Int!, segmentIndex: Int!): GetUploadLinkReturn!
getHlsInitUploadLink(videoId: Int!): GetUploadLinkReturn!
setSegmentDuration(videoId: Int!, segmentId: Int!, duration: Float!): Boolean!
editUploadStream(videoId: Int!, videoMetadata: VideoMetadataInput!): Boolean!
deleteVideo(videoId: Int!): Boolean!
input CreateBucketSetInput {
keyName: String!
feature: String!
buckets: [BucketInputGQL!]!
type GetUploadLinkReturn {
uploadUrl: String!
headers: [Header]!
type Header {
key: String!
value: String!
type CreateUploadStreamReturn {
videoId: Int!
input VideoMetadataInput {
videoName: String = null
startTime: DateTime = null
endTime: DateTime = null
gameType: String = null
tableSize: String = null
uploadStreamMetadataInput: UploadStreamMetadataInput = null
lastIntendedSegmentBound: Int = null
streamSegmentType: StreamSegmentTypeEnum = null
endStream: Boolean! = false
input UploadStreamMetadataInput {
deviceType: DeviceTypeEnum = null
osVersion: String = null
appVersion: String = null
browserName: String = null
browserVersion: String = null
locale: String = null
timezone: String = null
networkType: String = null
ipAddress: String = null
enum DeviceTypeEnum {
enum StreamSegmentTypeEnum {