78 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package serialized_shot;
message Box {
float left = 1;
float top = 2;
float width = 3;
float height = 4;
message Point {
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
message BallDetection {
Point plane_position = 1;
Box annotation = 2;
bool interpolated = 3;
message RLEBallDetection {
BallDetection detection = 1;
uint32 count = 2;
message RLEDetectionHistory { repeated RLEBallDetection detections = 1; }
message DetectionHistory { repeated BallDetection detections = 1; }
message CollisionInfo {
uint32 source = 1;
map<uint32, Point> ball_identifiers = 2;
uint32 wall_identifier = 3;
uint32 frame_index = 4;
bool static = 5;
message Path {
uint32 start_frame = 1;
uint32 end_frame = 2;
oneof detection_history {
DetectionHistory detections = 3;
RLEDetectionHistory rle_detections = 4;
bool not_present = 5;
bool is_static = 6;
CollisionInfo start_info = 7;
CollisionInfo end_info = 8;
message IdentifierHistory {
uint32 ball_identifier = 1;
repeated Path paths = 2;
message KeyBallIdentifiers {
uint32 cue_ball = 1;
uint32 object_ball = 2;
uint32 target_ball = 3;
// For now this will just be cue->object/target->target
// Long term this will potentially represent a linked list
// of all balls in a shot.
repeated uint32 contact_sequence = 4;
optional uint32 cue_ball_id = 5;
optional uint32 object_ball_id = 6;
optional uint32 target_ball_id = 7;
message Shot {
repeated IdentifierHistory identifier_histories = 3;
KeyBallIdentifiers key_balls = 4;
uint32 start_index = 5;
uint32 end_index = 6;