Create gql query for shot data

This commit is contained in:
Kat Huang 2024-02-03 13:30:52 -07:00
parent 582cf4fe75
commit e23546de88
2 changed files with 107 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -355,6 +355,20 @@ export enum WallTypeEnum {
Short = 'SHORT'
export type GetShotsQueryVariables = Exact<{
filterInput?: InputMaybe<FilterInput>;
includeCueObjectDistance?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeCueObjectAngle?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeCueBallSpeed?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeShotDirection?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeTargetPocketDistance?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeMake?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
includeIntendedPocketType?: Scalars['Boolean']['input'];
export type GetShotsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', getShots: Array<{ __typename?: 'ShotGQL', id?: number | null, videoId?: number | null, startFrame?: number | null, endFrame?: number | null, createdAt?: any | null, updatedAt?: any | null, cueObjectFeatures?: { __typename?: 'CueObjectFeaturesGQL', cueObjectDistance?: number | null, cueObjectAngle?: number | null, cueBallSpeed?: number | null, shotDirection?: ShotDirectionEnum | null } | null, pocketingIntentionFeatures?: { __typename?: 'PocketingIntentionFeaturesGQL', targetPocketDistance?: number | null, make?: boolean | null, intendedPocketType?: PocketEnum | null } | null }> };
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationVariables = Exact<{
videoName: Scalars['String']['input'];
deviceType?: InputMaybe<DeviceTypeEnum>;
@ -387,6 +401,69 @@ export type TerminateUploadStreamMutationVariables = Exact<{
export type TerminateUploadStreamMutation = { __typename?: 'Mutation', terminateUploadStream: boolean };
export const GetShotsDocument = gql`
query GetShots($filterInput: FilterInput, $includeCueObjectDistance: Boolean! = false, $includeCueObjectAngle: Boolean! = false, $includeCueBallSpeed: Boolean! = false, $includeShotDirection: Boolean! = false, $includeTargetPocketDistance: Boolean! = false, $includeMake: Boolean! = false, $includeIntendedPocketType: Boolean! = false) {
getShots(filterInput: $filterInput) {
cueObjectFeatures {
cueObjectDistance @include(if: $includeCueObjectDistance)
cueObjectAngle @include(if: $includeCueObjectAngle)
cueBallSpeed @include(if: $includeCueBallSpeed)
shotDirection @include(if: $includeShotDirection)
pocketingIntentionFeatures {
targetPocketDistance @include(if: $includeTargetPocketDistance)
make @include(if: $includeMake)
intendedPocketType @include(if: $includeIntendedPocketType)
* __useGetShotsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component, call `useGetShotsQuery` and pass it any options that fit your needs.
* When your component renders, `useGetShotsQuery` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading, error, and data properties
* you can use to render your UI.
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query, supported options are listed on:;
* @example
* const { data, loading, error } = useGetShotsQuery({
* variables: {
* filterInput: // value for 'filterInput'
* includeCueObjectDistance: // value for 'includeCueObjectDistance'
* includeCueObjectAngle: // value for 'includeCueObjectAngle'
* includeCueBallSpeed: // value for 'includeCueBallSpeed'
* includeShotDirection: // value for 'includeShotDirection'
* includeTargetPocketDistance: // value for 'includeTargetPocketDistance'
* includeMake: // value for 'includeMake'
* includeIntendedPocketType: // value for 'includeIntendedPocketType'
* },
* });
export function useGetShotsQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useQuery<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>(GetShotsDocument, options);
export function useGetShotsLazyQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useLazyQuery<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>(GetShotsDocument, options);
export function useGetShotsSuspenseQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useSuspenseQuery<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>(GetShotsDocument, options);
export type GetShotsQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetShotsQuery>;
export type GetShotsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetShotsLazyQuery>;
export type GetShotsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType<typeof useGetShotsSuspenseQuery>;
export type GetShotsQueryResult = Apollo.QueryResult<GetShotsQuery, GetShotsQueryVariables>;
export const CreateUploadStreamDocument = gql`
mutation CreateUploadStream($videoName: String!, $deviceType: DeviceTypeEnum, $osVersion: String, $appVersion: String, $browserName: String, $browserVersion: String, $locale: String, $timezone: String, $networkType: String, $ipAddress: String) {

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
query GetShots(
$filterInput: FilterInput
$includeCueObjectDistance: Boolean! = false
$includeCueObjectAngle: Boolean! = false
$includeCueBallSpeed: Boolean! = false
$includeShotDirection: Boolean! = false
$includeTargetPocketDistance: Boolean! = false
$includeMake: Boolean! = false
$includeIntendedPocketType: Boolean! = false
) {
getShots(filterInput: $filterInput) {
cueObjectFeatures {
cueObjectDistance @include(if: $includeCueObjectDistance)
cueObjectAngle @include(if: $includeCueObjectAngle)
cueBallSpeed @include(if: $includeCueBallSpeed)
shotDirection @include(if: $includeShotDirection)
pocketingIntentionFeatures {
targetPocketDistance @include(if: $includeTargetPocketDistance)
make @include(if: $includeMake)
intendedPocketType @include(if: $includeIntendedPocketType)