2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
import * as Apollo from "@apollo/client" ;
import { gql } from "@apollo/client" ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type Maybe < T > = T | null ;
export type InputMaybe < T > = Maybe < T > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type Exact < T extends { [ key : string ] : unknown } > = {
[ K in keyof T ] : T [ K ] ;
} ;
export type MakeOptional < T , K extends keyof T > = Omit < T , K > & {
[ SubKey in K ] ? : Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > ;
} ;
export type MakeMaybe < T , K extends keyof T > = Omit < T , K > & {
[ SubKey in K ] : Maybe < T [ SubKey ] > ;
} ;
export type MakeEmpty <
T extends { [ key : string ] : unknown } ,
K extends keyof T ,
> = { [ _ in K ] ? : never } ;
export type Incremental < T > =
| T
| {
[ P in keyof T ] ? : P extends " $fragmentName" | "__typename" ? T [ P ] : never ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
const defaultOptions = { } as const ;
/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
export type Scalars = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
ID : { input : string ; output : string } ;
String : { input : string ; output : string } ;
Boolean : { input : boolean ; output : boolean } ;
Int : { input : number ; output : number } ;
Float : { input : number ; output : number } ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
/** Date with time (isoformat) */
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
DateTime : { input : any ; output : any } ;
2024-08-13 14:28:36 -06:00
/** The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](https://ecma-international.org/wp-content/uploads/ECMA-404_2nd_edition_december_2017.pdf). */
JSON : { input : any ; output : any } ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type AggregateInputGql = {
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
aggregations : Array < AggregationInput > ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
filterInput? : InputMaybe < FilterInput > ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type AggregateResultGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "AggregateResultGQL" ;
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
aggregationIdentifiers : Array < AggregationIdentifierGql > ;
targetMetrics : TargetMetricsGql ;
} ;
export type AggregationIdentifierGql = {
__typename ? : "AggregationIdentifierGQL" ;
featureName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
groupName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
export type AggregationInput =
| { bucketSet : BucketSetInputGql ; enum ? : never }
| { bucketSet? : never ; enum : EnumAggregation } ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type BankFeaturesGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "BankFeaturesGQL" ;
bankAngle : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
distance : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
wallsHit : Array < WallTypeEnum > ;
} ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
export type BoundingBoxGql = {
__typename ? : "BoundingBoxGQL" ;
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
height : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
left : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
top : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
width : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type BucketGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "BucketGQL" ;
lowerBound : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
rangeKey : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type BucketInputGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
lowerBound : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "input" ] ;
rangeKey : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type BucketSetGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "BucketSetGQL" ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
buckets : Array < BucketGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
feature : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
keyName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type BucketSetInputGql = {
buckets : Array < BucketInputGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
feature : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type CreateBucketSetInput = {
buckets : Array < BucketInputGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
feature : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
keyName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type CreateUploadStreamReturn = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "CreateUploadStreamReturn" ;
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-08-01 19:49:57 -06:00
export type CreatedAfter =
| { createdAt : Scalars [ "DateTime" ] [ "input" ] ; videoId? : never }
| { createdAt? : never ; videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] } ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type CueObjectFeaturesGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "CueObjectFeaturesGQL" ;
cueBallSpeed? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
cueObjectAngle? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
cueObjectDistance? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
shotDirection? : Maybe < ShotDirectionEnum > ;
} ;
2024-03-18 16:46:23 -06:00
export type DeployedConfigGql = {
__typename ? : "DeployedConfigGQL" ;
allowNewUsers : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-04-01 20:46:21 -06:00
devMode : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-04-25 11:41:57 -06:00
environment : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-04-01 20:46:21 -06:00
firebase : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-08-16 13:21:46 -06:00
minimumAllowedAppVersion : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-18 16:46:23 -06:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export enum DeviceTypeEnum {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
Android = "ANDROID" ,
Browser = "BROWSER" ,
Ios = "IOS" ,
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
export type EnumAggregation = {
feature : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
export type FilterInput =
| {
andFilters : Array < FilterInput > ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations : Array < ShotAnnotationInput > ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle : RangeFilter ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance : RangeFilter ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject : RangeFilter ;
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed : RangeFilter ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle : RangeFilter ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance : RangeFilter ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject : RangeFilter ;
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty : RangeFilter ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore : RangeFilter ;
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
difficulty? : never ;
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType : Array < PocketEnum > ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle : RangeFilter ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance : RangeFilter ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make : Array < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter : FilterInput ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters : Array < FilterInput > ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection : Array < ShotDirectionEnum > ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
spinType : Array < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 20:42:53 -06:00
tableSize : RangeFilter ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
annotations? : never ;
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
difficulty? : never ;
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
intendedPocketType? : never ;
isDirect? : never ;
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
make? : never ;
notFilter? : never ;
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
spinType? : never ;
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags : Array < VideoTagInput > ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance : RangeFilter ;
userId? : never ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId : Array < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
videoId? : never ;
| {
andFilters? : never ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
annotations? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
bankAngle? : never ;
bankDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueAngleAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
cueBallSpeed? : never ;
cueObjectAngle? : never ;
cueObjectDistance? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
cueSpeedAfterObject? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
difficulty? : never ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
intendedPocketType? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
isDirect? : never ;
2024-07-02 16:54:56 -06:00
isLeft? : never ;
isLeftMiss? : never ;
isRight? : never ;
isRightMiss? : never ;
isStraight? : never ;
2024-07-12 17:52:06 -06:00
kickAngle? : never ;
kickDistance? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
make? : never ;
2024-07-10 16:17:25 -06:00
notFilter? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
orFilters? : never ;
shotDirection? : never ;
2024-07-19 17:18:14 -06:00
spinType? : never ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : never ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
tags? : never ;
targetPocketDistance? : never ;
userId? : never ;
videoId : Array < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-08-01 19:49:57 -06:00
export type GetShotsPagination = {
createdAfter : CreatedAfter ;
startFrameAfter : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type GetUploadLinkReturn = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "GetUploadLinkReturn" ;
2024-03-04 17:48:59 -07:00
headers : Array < Maybe < Header > > ;
2024-08-13 11:33:53 -06:00
uploadCompletionCursor? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
uploadUrl : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-04-22 16:18:06 -06:00
export type HlsPlaylistGql = {
__typename ? : "HLSPlaylistGQL" ;
m3u8Text : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
segmentDurations : Array < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-04 17:48:59 -07:00
export type Header = {
__typename ? : "Header" ;
key : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
value : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
export type HomographyInfoGql = {
__typename ? : "HomographyInfoGQL" ;
crop : BoundingBoxGql ;
destPoints : PocketPointsGql ;
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
frameIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
pockets : Array < BoundingBoxGql > ;
sourcePoints : PocketPointsGql ;
} ;
2024-07-16 15:21:45 -06:00
export enum InitPlaylistUploadStatusEnum {
NotApplicable = "NOT_APPLICABLE" ,
NotUploaded = "NOT_UPLOADED" ,
Uploaded = "UPLOADED" ,
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
export type IntPoint2D = {
__typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ;
x : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
y : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-08 13:23:01 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-05 01:05:54 -07:00
export type MakePercentageIntervalGql = {
__typename ? : "MakePercentageIntervalGQL" ;
2024-03-14 12:57:31 -06:00
elapsedTime : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-05 01:05:54 -07:00
makePercentage : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type Mutation = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
2024-07-30 18:08:05 -06:00
addAnnotationToShot : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
createBucketSet : BucketSetGql ;
createUploadStream : CreateUploadStreamReturn ;
2024-03-12 12:50:28 -06:00
deleteVideo : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
editProfileImageUri : UserGql ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
editUploadStream : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
getHlsInitUploadLink : GetUploadLinkReturn ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
getProfileImageUploadLink : GetUploadLinkReturn ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
getUploadLink : GetUploadLinkReturn ;
2024-04-01 20:46:21 -06:00
setLoggerLevel : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
setSegmentDuration : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-07-30 18:08:05 -06:00
export type MutationAddAnnotationToShotArgs = {
annotationName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
shotId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type MutationCreateBucketSetArgs = {
params : CreateBucketSetInput ;
} ;
export type MutationCreateUploadStreamArgs = {
2024-03-04 22:22:42 -07:00
videoMetadata : VideoMetadataInput ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-12 12:50:28 -06:00
export type MutationDeleteVideoArgs = {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
export type MutationEditProfileImageUriArgs = {
profileImageUri : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type MutationEditUploadStreamArgs = {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
videoMetadata : VideoMetadataInput ;
} ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
export type MutationGetHlsInitUploadLinkArgs = {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
export type MutationGetProfileImageUploadLinkArgs = {
fileExt? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type MutationGetUploadLinkArgs = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
segmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-04-01 20:46:21 -06:00
export type MutationSetLoggerLevelArgs = {
level : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
path : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
export type MutationSetSegmentDurationArgs = {
duration : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-07-16 20:20:17 -06:00
segmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-20 19:18:21 -07:00
export type PageInfoGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "PageInfoGQL" ;
endCursor? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
hasNextPage : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-20 19:18:21 -07:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export enum PocketEnum {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
Corner = "CORNER" ,
Side = "SIDE" ,
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
export type PocketPointsGql = {
__typename ? : "PocketPointsGQL" ;
bottomLeft : IntPoint2D ;
bottomRight : IntPoint2D ;
bottomSide : IntPoint2D ;
topLeft : IntPoint2D ;
topRight : IntPoint2D ;
topSide : IntPoint2D ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type PocketingIntentionFeaturesGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "PocketingIntentionFeaturesGQL" ;
2024-05-01 12:47:50 -06:00
difficulty? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
intendedPocketType? : Maybe < PocketEnum > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
make? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " output " ] > ;
targetPocketDistance? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-08-13 12:33:31 -06:00
export enum ProcessingStatusEnum {
Created = "CREATED" ,
Failed = "FAILED" ,
Queued = "QUEUED" ,
ReextractingFeatures = "REEXTRACTING_FEATURES" ,
Running = "RUNNING" ,
Started = "STARTED" ,
Succeeded = "SUCCEEDED" ,
Suspended = "SUSPENDED" ,
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type Query = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "Query" ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
getAggregatedShotMetrics : Array < AggregateResultGql > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
getBucketSet? : Maybe < BucketSetGql > ;
2024-03-18 16:46:23 -06:00
getDeployedConfig : DeployedConfigGql ;
2024-02-11 22:46:11 -07:00
getLoggedInUser? : Maybe < UserGql > ;
2024-03-27 00:32:20 -06:00
getPlayTime : UserPlayTimeGql ;
2024-07-08 13:18:11 -06:00
getShotAnnotationTypes : Array < ShotAnnotationTypeGql > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
getShots : Array < ShotGql > ;
getUser? : Maybe < UserGql > ;
2024-07-23 19:53:39 -06:00
getUserTags : Array < TagGql > ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
getUserVideos : VideoHistoryGql ;
2024-07-13 23:42:12 -06:00
getUsernames : Array < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
getVideo : VideoGql ;
2024-03-05 01:05:54 -07:00
getVideoMakePercentageIntervals : Array < MakePercentageIntervalGql > ;
2024-04-22 16:18:06 -06:00
getVideos : Array < VideoGql > ;
2024-08-09 00:59:38 -06:00
waitFor : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type QueryGetAggregatedShotMetricsArgs = {
aggregateInput : AggregateInputGql ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type QueryGetBucketSetArgs = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
keyName : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-27 00:32:20 -06:00
export type QueryGetPlayTimeArgs = {
userId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type QueryGetShotsArgs = {
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
filterInput : FilterInput ;
2024-08-01 19:49:57 -06:00
limit? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
shotsPagination? : InputMaybe < GetShotsPagination > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type QueryGetUserArgs = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
userId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
export type QueryGetUserVideosArgs = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
filters? : InputMaybe < VideoFilterInput > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
limit? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
userId? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-07-13 23:42:12 -06:00
export type QueryGetUsernamesArgs = {
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
limit? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
matchString? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
export type QueryGetVideoArgs = {
2024-08-13 14:28:36 -06:00
debuggingJson? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " JSON " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-20 19:18:21 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-05 01:05:54 -07:00
export type QueryGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsArgs = {
2024-03-14 12:57:31 -06:00
intervalDuration? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-03-05 01:05:54 -07:00
videoId : Scalars [ "ID" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-04-22 16:18:06 -06:00
export type QueryGetVideosArgs = {
videoIds : Array < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-08-09 00:59:38 -06:00
export type QueryWaitForArgs = {
duration : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type RangeFilter = {
2024-08-15 20:42:53 -06:00
greaterThan? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
greaterThanEqualTo? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-08-15 20:42:53 -06:00
greaterThanInclusive? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-07-29 17:21:09 -06:00
includeOnNone? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
lessThan? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-08-15 20:42:53 -06:00
lessThanInclusive? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
export type SerializedShotPathsGql = {
__typename ? : "SerializedShotPathsGQL" ;
b64EncodedBuffer? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
} ;
2024-07-15 15:32:21 -06:00
export type ShotAnnotationGql = {
__typename ? : "ShotAnnotationGQL" ;
createdAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
creator : UserGql ;
notes : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
shotId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
type : ShotAnnotationTypeGql ;
updatedAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
} ;
2024-07-08 10:56:05 -06:00
export type ShotAnnotationInput = {
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-07-08 13:18:11 -06:00
export type ShotAnnotationTypeGql = {
__typename ? : "ShotAnnotationTypeGQL" ;
id : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export enum ShotDirectionEnum {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
Left = "LEFT" ,
Right = "RIGHT" ,
Straight = "STRAIGHT" ,
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type ShotGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "ShotGQL" ;
2024-07-15 15:32:21 -06:00
annotations : Array < ShotAnnotationGql > ;
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
bankFeatures? : Maybe < BankFeaturesGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
createdAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
cueObjectFeatures? : Maybe < CueObjectFeaturesGql > ;
2024-05-20 16:19:20 -06:00
endFrame : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-05-20 16:19:20 -06:00
id : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
pocketingIntentionFeatures? : Maybe < PocketingIntentionFeaturesGql > ;
2024-05-22 16:41:24 -06:00
serializedShotPaths? : Maybe < SerializedShotPathsGql > ;
2024-05-20 16:19:20 -06:00
startFrame : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
updatedAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-04-09 22:34:54 -06:00
user? : Maybe < UserGql > ;
2024-08-01 19:49:57 -06:00
video? : Maybe < VideoGql > ;
2024-05-20 16:19:20 -06:00
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
export type StreamErrorGql = {
__typename ? : "StreamErrorGQL" ;
message : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
export enum StreamSegmentTypeEnum {
FragmentedMp4 = "FRAGMENTED_MP4" ,
RbChunkedMp4 = "RB_CHUNKED_MP4" ,
2024-07-22 19:22:03 -06:00
export type TagGql = {
__typename ? : "TagGQL" ;
2024-07-23 19:53:39 -06:00
group? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-07-22 19:22:03 -06:00
id : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
export type TargetMetricsGql = {
__typename ? : "TargetMetricsGQL" ;
2024-05-01 12:47:50 -06:00
averageDifficulty? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
count : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
makePercentage? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-04-30 21:55:48 -06:00
export type UploadSegmentGql = {
__typename ? : "UploadSegmentGQL" ;
2024-07-16 21:48:15 -06:00
durationInSeconds? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-04-30 21:55:48 -06:00
endFrameIndex? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
framesPerSecond? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
linksRequested : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
segmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
uploaded : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
valid : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type UploadStreamGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
createdAt : Scalars [ "DateTime" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
errors : Array < StreamErrorGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
id : Scalars [ "ID" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-16 15:21:45 -06:00
initPlaylistUploadStatus? : Maybe < InitPlaylistUploadStatusEnum > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
isCompleted : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
lastIntendedSegmentBound? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
linksRequested : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-04-16 17:49:50 -06:00
lowestUnuploadedSegmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-25 18:18:16 -06:00
resolution : VideoResolutionGql ;
2024-03-08 17:15:37 -07:00
segmentProcessingCursor : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-05-01 17:39:52 -06:00
segments : Array < UploadSegmentGql > ;
2024-07-27 20:51:48 -06:00
streamSegmentType : StreamSegmentTypeEnum ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
updatedAt : Scalars [ "DateTime" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-05-01 17:39:52 -06:00
uploadCompletionCursor : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
uploadsCompleted : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
export type UploadStreamMetadataInput = {
appVersion? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
browserName? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
browserVersion? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
deviceType? : InputMaybe < DeviceTypeEnum > ;
ipAddress? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
locale? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
networkType? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
osVersion? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
timezone? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
export type UserGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "UserGQL" ;
2024-04-25 11:41:57 -06:00
activeVideoId? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
createdAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
firebaseUid : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
id : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-07-13 17:40:30 -06:00
isAdmin : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
profileImageUri? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
updatedAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
username : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-03-27 00:32:20 -06:00
export type UserPlayTimeGql = {
__typename ? : "UserPlayTimeGQL" ;
totalSeconds : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
export type VideoFilterInput = {
isStreamCompleted? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Boolean " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-05-02 22:08:57 -06:00
requireCursorCompletion? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-20 19:18:21 -07:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type VideoGql = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
averageTimeBetweenShots? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
createdAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
currentProcessing? : Maybe < VideoProcessingGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
elapsedTime? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
endTime? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-04-23 20:25:27 -06:00
framesPerSecond : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
homographyHistory : Array < HomographyInfoGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
id : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
makePercentage : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
medianRun? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " output " ] > ;
name? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-24 12:59:27 -07:00
owner? : Maybe < UserGql > ;
2024-04-22 16:18:06 -06:00
playlist? : Maybe < HlsPlaylistGql > ;
2024-04-29 14:08:27 -06:00
screenshotUri? : Maybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
shots : Array < ShotGql > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
startTime? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
stream? : Maybe < UploadStreamGql > ;
2024-08-15 19:05:19 -06:00
tableSize : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "output" ] ;
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
tags : Array < VideoTag > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
totalShots : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
totalShotsMade : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
updatedAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
export type VideoHistoryGql = {
__typename ? : "VideoHistoryGQL" ;
pageInfo : PageInfoGql ;
videos : Array < VideoGql > ;
} ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
export type VideoMetadataInput = {
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
endStream? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
endTime? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-18 17:14:28 -06:00
framesPerSecond? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
gameType? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-04-25 16:36:32 -06:00
lastIntendedSegmentBound? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-18 01:14:18 -06:00
resolution? : InputMaybe < VideoResolution > ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
startTime? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-07-12 18:50:03 -06:00
streamSegmentType? : InputMaybe < StreamSegmentTypeEnum > ;
2024-08-15 16:44:30 -06:00
tableSize? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Float " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
uploadStreamMetadataInput? : InputMaybe < UploadStreamMetadataInput > ;
videoName? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
export type VideoProcessingErrorGql = {
__typename ? : "VideoProcessingErrorGQL" ;
endSegmentIndex? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
message : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
startSegmentIndex? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
} ;
export type VideoProcessingGql = {
__typename ? : "VideoProcessingGQL" ;
errors : Array < VideoProcessingErrorGql > ;
2024-08-13 12:33:31 -06:00
status : ProcessingStatusEnum ;
2024-08-13 13:42:45 -06:00
statuses : Array < VideoProcessingStatusGql > ;
} ;
export type VideoProcessingStatusGql = {
__typename ? : "VideoProcessingStatusGQL" ;
appVersion : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
createdAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
sequenceId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "output" ] ;
status : ProcessingStatusEnum ;
updatedAt? : Maybe < Scalars [ " DateTime " ] [ " output " ] > ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
} ;
2024-07-18 01:14:18 -06:00
export type VideoResolution = {
height : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
width : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
2024-07-25 18:18:16 -06:00
export type VideoResolutionGql = {
__typename ? : "VideoResolutionGQL" ;
height? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
width? : Maybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " output " ] > ;
} ;
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
export type VideoTag = {
__typename ? : "VideoTag" ;
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
tagClasses : Array < VideoTagClass > ;
} ;
export type VideoTagClass = {
__typename ? : "VideoTagClass" ;
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "output" ] ;
} ;
2024-03-28 15:20:39 -06:00
export type VideoTagClassInput = {
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} ;
export type VideoTagInput = {
name : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-04-01 18:04:54 -06:00
tagClasses? : Array < VideoTagClassInput > ;
2024-03-28 15:20:39 -06:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export enum WallTypeEnum {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
Long = "LONG" ,
Short = "SHORT" ,
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsQueryVariables = Exact < {
aggregateInput : AggregateInputGql ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
} > ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "Query" ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
getAggregatedShotMetrics : Array < {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "AggregateResultGQL" ;
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
aggregationIdentifiers : Array < {
__typename ? : "AggregationIdentifierGQL" ;
featureName : string ;
groupName : string ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
} > ;
2024-03-14 14:39:11 -06:00
targetMetrics : {
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
__typename ? : "TargetMetricsGQL" ;
count : number ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
makePercentage? : number | null ;
2024-03-14 14:39:11 -06:00
} ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
} > ;
} ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
2024-03-19 15:08:00 -06:00
export type GetDeployedConfigQueryVariables = Exact < { [ key : string ] : never } > ;
export type GetDeployedConfigQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getDeployedConfig : {
__typename ? : "DeployedConfigGQL" ;
allowNewUsers : boolean ;
2024-04-25 17:32:52 -06:00
devMode : boolean ;
environment : string ;
firebase : boolean ;
2024-03-19 15:08:00 -06:00
} ;
} ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
export type GetFeedQueryVariables = Exact < {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
limit? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
filters? : InputMaybe < VideoFilterInput > ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
} > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetFeedQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
getUserVideos : {
__typename ? : "VideoHistoryGQL" ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
videos : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
name? : string | null ;
2024-04-29 14:08:27 -06:00
screenshotUri? : string | null ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
totalShotsMade : number ;
totalShots : number ;
makePercentage : number ;
createdAt? : any | null ;
updatedAt? : any | null ;
startTime? : any | null ;
endTime? : any | null ;
elapsedTime? : number | null ;
2024-08-15 20:51:00 -06:00
tableSize : number ;
2024-02-24 12:59:27 -07:00
owner ? : { __typename ? : "UserGQL" ; username : string } | null ;
2024-04-05 16:29:10 -06:00
stream ? : { __typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ; isCompleted : boolean } | null ;
2024-03-25 19:25:48 -06:00
tags : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoTag" ;
name : string ;
tagClasses : Array < { __typename ? : "VideoTagClass" ; name : string } > ;
} > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
} > ;
pageInfo : {
__typename ? : "PageInfoGQL" ;
hasNextPage : boolean ;
endCursor? : string | null ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "ID" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-03-22 16:44:02 -06:00
intervalDuration : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
} > ;
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideoMakePercentageIntervals : Array < {
__typename ? : "MakePercentageIntervalGQL" ;
makePercentage : number ;
2024-03-14 12:57:31 -06:00
elapsedTime : number ;
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
} > ;
} ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
export type GetShotsQueryVariables = Exact < {
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
filterInput : FilterInput ;
2024-08-13 14:49:12 -06:00
shotsPagination? : InputMaybe < GetShotsPagination > ;
2024-08-09 15:10:36 -06:00
limit? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
includeCreatedAt? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeUpdatedAt? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeCueObjectFeatures? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includePocketingIntentionFeatures? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
includeCueObjectDistance? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeCueObjectAngle? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeCueBallSpeed? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeShotDirection? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeTargetPocketDistance? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeMake? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
includeIntendedPocketType? : Scalars [ "Boolean" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
} > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetShotsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getShots : Array < {
__typename ? : "ShotGQL" ;
2024-05-20 16:19:20 -06:00
id : number ;
videoId : number ;
startFrame : number ;
endFrame : number ;
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
falsePositiveScore? : number | null ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
createdAt? : any | null ;
updatedAt? : any | null ;
2024-05-21 14:14:02 -06:00
user ? : { __typename ? : "UserGQL" ; id : number } | null ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
cueObjectFeatures ? : {
__typename ? : "CueObjectFeaturesGQL" ;
cueObjectDistance? : number | null ;
cueObjectAngle? : number | null ;
cueBallSpeed? : number | null ;
shotDirection? : ShotDirectionEnum | null ;
} | null ;
pocketingIntentionFeatures ? : {
__typename ? : "PocketingIntentionFeaturesGQL" ;
targetPocketDistance? : number | null ;
make? : boolean | null ;
intendedPocketType? : PocketEnum | null ;
} | null ;
} > ;
} ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
2024-07-15 15:37:43 -06:00
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesQueryVariables = Exact < {
[ key : string ] : never ;
} > ;
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getShotAnnotationTypes : Array < {
__typename ? : "ShotAnnotationTypeGQL" ;
id : number ;
name : string ;
} > ;
} ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutationVariables = Exact < {
fileExt? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} > ;
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
getProfileImageUploadLink : {
__typename ? : "GetUploadLinkReturn" ;
uploadUrl : string ;
headers : Array < {
__typename ? : "Header" ;
key : string ;
value : string ;
} | null > ;
} ;
} ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutationVariables = Exact < {
profileImageUri : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
editProfileImageUri : {
__typename ? : "UserGQL" ;
id : number ;
firebaseUid : string ;
username : string ;
profileImageUri? : string | null ;
createdAt? : any | null ;
updatedAt? : any | null ;
} ;
} ;
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
export type GetLoggedInUserQueryVariables = Exact < { [ key : string ] : never } > ;
export type GetLoggedInUserQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getLoggedInUser ? : {
__typename ? : "UserGQL" ;
id : number ;
firebaseUid : string ;
username : string ;
2024-07-13 17:47:41 -06:00
isAdmin : boolean ;
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
profileImageUri? : string | null ;
2024-04-25 17:32:52 -06:00
activeVideoId? : number | null ;
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
createdAt? : any | null ;
updatedAt? : any | null ;
} | null ;
} ;
2024-03-27 13:35:44 -06:00
export type GetUserPlayTimeQueryVariables = Exact < {
userId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetUserPlayTimeQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getPlayTime : { __typename ? : "UserPlayTimeGQL" ; totalSeconds : number } ;
} ;
2024-07-14 00:16:02 -06:00
export type GetUsernamesQueryVariables = Exact < {
matchString : Scalars [ "String" ] [ "input" ] ;
limit? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > ;
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
} > ;
export type GetUsernamesQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getUsernames : Array < string > ;
} ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-08-13 16:30:04 -06:00
debuggingJson? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " JSON " ] [ " input " ] > ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
} > ;
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
totalShots : number ;
makePercentage : number ;
elapsedTime? : number | null ;
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
homographyHistory : Array < {
__typename ? : "HomographyInfoGQL" ;
crop : {
__typename ? : "BoundingBoxGQL" ;
left : number ;
top : number ;
width : number ;
height : number ;
} ;
pockets : Array < {
__typename ? : "BoundingBoxGQL" ;
left : number ;
top : number ;
width : number ;
height : number ;
} > ;
sourcePoints : {
__typename ? : "PocketPointsGQL" ;
topLeft : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
topSide : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
topRight : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomLeft : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomSide : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomRight : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
} ;
} > ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
stream ? : {
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
linksRequested : number ;
uploadsCompleted : number ;
segmentProcessingCursor : number ;
2024-05-09 17:59:44 -06:00
isCompleted : boolean ;
uploadCompletionCursor : number ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
lastIntendedSegmentBound? : number | null ;
2024-07-16 20:23:54 -06:00
initPlaylistUploadStatus? : InitPlaylistUploadStatusEnum | null ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
} | null ;
2024-05-20 19:05:10 -06:00
currentProcessing ? : {
__typename ? : "VideoProcessingGQL" ;
errors : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoProcessingErrorGQL" ;
message : string ;
startSegmentIndex? : number | null ;
endSegmentIndex? : number | null ;
} > ;
} | null ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
} ;
} ;
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
name? : string | null ;
totalShots : number ;
makePercentage : number ;
elapsedTime? : number | null ;
2024-08-15 19:51:36 -06:00
tableSize : number ;
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
tags : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoTag" ;
name : string ;
tagClasses : Array < { __typename ? : "VideoTagClass" ; name : string } > ;
} > ;
} ;
} ;
2024-03-12 13:06:14 -06:00
export type DeleteVideoMutationVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type DeleteVideoMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
deleteVideo : boolean ;
} ;
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
export type GetVideoDetailsQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetVideoDetailsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
name? : string | null ;
2024-04-29 14:08:27 -06:00
screenshotUri? : string | null ;
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
averageTimeBetweenShots? : number | null ;
elapsedTime? : number | null ;
endTime? : any | null ;
makePercentage : number ;
medianRun? : number | null ;
startTime? : any | null ;
totalShots : number ;
totalShotsMade : number ;
createdAt? : any | null ;
updatedAt? : any | null ;
2024-08-15 19:51:36 -06:00
tableSize : number ;
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
owner ? : {
__typename ? : "UserGQL" ;
id : number ;
firebaseUid : string ;
username : string ;
profileImageUri? : string | null ;
} | null ;
tags : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoTag" ;
name : string ;
tagClasses : Array < { __typename ? : "VideoTagClass" ; name : string } > ;
} > ;
} ;
} ;
2024-04-22 22:20:59 -06:00
export type GetVideosQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoIds : Array < Scalars [ " Int " ] [ " input " ] > | Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetVideosQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideos : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
playlist ? : {
__typename ? : "HLSPlaylistGQL" ;
segmentDurations : Array < number > ;
} | null ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
stream ? : {
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
id : string ;
segments : Array < {
__typename ? : "UploadSegmentGQL" ;
uploaded : boolean ;
valid : boolean ;
segmentIndex : number ;
endFrameIndex? : number | null ;
framesPerSecond? : number | null ;
} > ;
} | null ;
2024-04-22 22:20:59 -06:00
} > ;
} ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
export type GetVideoQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetVideoQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
playlist ? : {
__typename ? : "HLSPlaylistGQL" ;
segmentDurations : Array < number > ;
} | null ;
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
homographyHistory : Array < {
__typename ? : "HomographyInfoGQL" ;
2024-08-01 15:52:37 -06:00
frameIndex : number ;
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
crop : {
__typename ? : "BoundingBoxGQL" ;
left : number ;
top : number ;
width : number ;
height : number ;
} ;
pockets : Array < {
__typename ? : "BoundingBoxGQL" ;
left : number ;
top : number ;
width : number ;
height : number ;
} > ;
sourcePoints : {
__typename ? : "PocketPointsGQL" ;
topLeft : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
topSide : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
topRight : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomLeft : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomSide : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
bottomRight : { __typename ? : "IntPoint2D" ; x : number ; y : number } ;
} ;
} > ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
stream ? : {
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
2024-07-27 20:51:48 -06:00
streamSegmentType : StreamSegmentTypeEnum ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
segments : Array < {
__typename ? : "UploadSegmentGQL" ;
segmentIndex : number ;
endFrameIndex? : number | null ;
framesPerSecond? : number | null ;
} > ;
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
resolution : {
__typename ? : "VideoResolutionGQL" ;
width? : number | null ;
height? : number | null ;
} ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
} | null ;
} ;
} ;
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
id : number ;
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
averageTimeBetweenShots? : number | null ;
} ;
} ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
elapsedTime? : number | null ;
} ;
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
} ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
getVideo : { __typename ? : "VideoGQL" ; id : number ; medianRun? : number | null } ;
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
} ;
2024-07-30 00:58:33 -06:00
export type GetVideoForClipTimesQueryVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetVideoForClipTimesQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getVideo : {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
2024-07-30 11:53:34 -06:00
framesPerSecond : number ;
2024-07-30 00:58:33 -06:00
playlist ? : {
__typename ? : "HLSPlaylistGQL" ;
segmentDurations : Array < number > ;
} | null ;
stream ? : {
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
id : string ;
streamSegmentType : StreamSegmentTypeEnum ;
segments : Array < {
__typename ? : "UploadSegmentGQL" ;
uploaded : boolean ;
valid : boolean ;
segmentIndex : number ;
endFrameIndex? : number | null ;
framesPerSecond? : number | null ;
} > ;
} | null ;
} ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationVariables = Exact < {
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
videoMetadataInput : VideoMetadataInput ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type CreateUploadStreamMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
createUploadStream : {
__typename ? : "CreateUploadStreamReturn" ;
videoId : number ;
} ;
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export type GetUploadLinkMutationVariables = Exact < {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
segmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetUploadLinkMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
2024-03-04 18:20:11 -07:00
getUploadLink : {
__typename ? : "GetUploadLinkReturn" ;
uploadUrl : string ;
headers : Array < {
__typename ? : "Header" ;
key : string ;
value : string ;
} | null > ;
} ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-07-15 18:29:55 -06:00
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutationVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
getHlsInitUploadLink : {
__typename ? : "GetUploadLinkReturn" ;
uploadUrl : string ;
headers : Array < {
__typename ? : "Header" ;
key : string ;
value : string ;
} | null > ;
} ;
} ;
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
export type SetSegmentDurationMutationVariables = Exact < {
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-07-16 20:22:16 -06:00
segmentIndex : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
duration : Scalars [ "Float" ] [ "input" ] ;
} > ;
export type SetSegmentDurationMutation = {
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
setSegmentDuration : boolean ;
} ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type EditUploadStreamMutationVariables = Exact < {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
videoId : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
videoMetadataInput : VideoMetadataInput ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
} > ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type EditUploadStreamMutation = {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
__typename ? : "Mutation" ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
editUploadStream : boolean ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
} ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-04-23 12:49:42 -06:00
export type GetUploadStreamsQueryVariables = Exact < {
limit? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
filters? : InputMaybe < VideoFilterInput > ;
} > ;
export type GetUploadStreamsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getUserVideos : {
__typename ? : "VideoHistoryGQL" ;
2024-04-23 13:37:31 -06:00
videos : Array < { __typename ? : "VideoGQL" ; id : number } > ;
2024-04-23 12:49:42 -06:00
pageInfo : {
__typename ? : "PageInfoGQL" ;
hasNextPage : boolean ;
endCursor? : string | null ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
2024-05-06 16:16:06 -06:00
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQueryVariables = Exact < {
limit? : Scalars [ "Int" ] [ "input" ] ;
after? : InputMaybe < Scalars [ " String " ] [ " input " ] > ;
filters? : InputMaybe < VideoFilterInput > ;
} > ;
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery = {
__typename ? : "Query" ;
getUserVideos : {
__typename ? : "VideoHistoryGQL" ;
videos : Array < {
__typename ? : "VideoGQL" ;
id : number ;
name? : string | null ;
startTime? : any | null ;
stream ? : {
__typename ? : "UploadStreamGQL" ;
isCompleted : boolean ;
2024-05-20 23:39:47 -06:00
lastIntendedSegmentBound? : number | null ;
2024-05-06 16:16:06 -06:00
uploadCompletionCursor : number ;
2024-08-12 18:23:55 -06:00
uploadsCompleted : number ;
2024-05-06 16:16:06 -06:00
} | null ;
} > ;
pageInfo : {
__typename ? : "PageInfoGQL" ;
hasNextPage : boolean ;
endCursor? : string | null ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export const GetAggregatedShotMetricsDocument = gql `
query GetAggregatedShotMetrics ( $aggregateInput : AggregateInputGQL ! ) {
getAggregatedShotMetrics ( aggregateInput : $aggregateInput ) {
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
aggregationIdentifiers {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
targetMetrics {
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
/ * *
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
* __useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery__
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ( {
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
* variables : {
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
* aggregateInput : // value for 'aggregateInput'
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export function useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery (
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
> ( GetAggregatedShotMetricsDocument , options ) ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export function useGetAggregatedShotMetricsLazyQuery (
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
> ( GetAggregatedShotMetricsDocument , options ) ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export function useGetAggregatedShotMetricsSuspenseQuery (
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
> ( GetAggregatedShotMetricsDocument , options ) ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAggregatedShotMetricsLazyQuery
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAggregatedShotMetricsSuspenseQuery
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-03-09 10:21:43 -07:00
export type GetAggregatedShotMetricsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetAggregatedShotMetricsQuery ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-03-19 15:08:00 -06:00
export const GetDeployedConfigDocument = gql `
query getDeployedConfig {
getDeployedConfig {
2024-04-25 17:32:52 -06:00
2024-03-19 15:08:00 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetDeployedConfigQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetDeployedConfigQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetDeployedConfigQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetDeployedConfigQuery ( {
* variables : {
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetDeployedConfigQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ( GetDeployedConfigDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetDeployedConfigLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ( GetDeployedConfigDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetDeployedConfigSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ( GetDeployedConfigDocument , options ) ;
export type GetDeployedConfigQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetDeployedConfigQuery
> ;
export type GetDeployedConfigLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetDeployedConfigLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetDeployedConfigSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetDeployedConfigSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetDeployedConfigQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetDeployedConfigQuery ,
> ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
export const GetFeedDocument = gql `
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
query GetFeed (
$limit : Int ! = 5
$after : String = null
$filters : VideoFilterInput = null
) {
getUserVideos ( limit : $limit , after : $after , filters : $filters ) {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
videos {
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
2024-02-24 12:59:27 -07:00
owner {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-04-29 14:08:27 -06:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-05-01 18:49:35 -06:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
stream {
2024-08-15 20:51:00 -06:00
2024-03-25 19:25:48 -06:00
tags {
tagClasses {
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
pageInfo {
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
/ * *
* __useGetFeedQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetFeedQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetFeedQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetFeedQuery ( {
* variables : {
2024-02-22 19:23:28 -07:00
* limit : // value for 'limit'
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
* after : // value for 'after'
2024-04-05 15:46:16 -06:00
* filters : // value for 'filters'
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export function useGetFeedQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions < GetFeedQuery , GetFeedQueryVariables > ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetFeedQuery , GetFeedQueryVariables > (
GetFeedDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetFeedLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetFeedQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery < GetFeedQuery , GetFeedQueryVariables > (
GetFeedDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetFeedSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetFeedQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery < GetFeedQuery , GetFeedQueryVariables > (
GetFeedDocument ,
options ,
) ;
2024-02-21 19:13:30 -07:00
export type GetFeedQueryHookResult = ReturnType < typeof useGetFeedQuery > ;
export type GetFeedLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType < typeof useGetFeedLazyQuery > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetFeedSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetFeedSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetFeedQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetFeedQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
export const GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsDocument = gql `
2024-03-22 16:44:02 -06:00
query GetVideoMakePercentageIntervals (
$videoId : ID !
$intervalDuration : Int !
) {
getVideoMakePercentageIntervals (
videoId : $videoId
intervalDuration : $intervalDuration
) {
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
2024-03-14 12:57:31 -06:00
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
2024-03-22 16:44:02 -06:00
* intervalDuration : // value for 'intervalDuration'
2024-03-05 01:24:03 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideoMakePercentageIntervalsQuery ,
> ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
export const GetShotsDocument = gql `
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
query GetShots (
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
$filterInput : FilterInput !
2024-08-13 14:49:12 -06:00
$shotsPagination : GetShotsPagination
2024-08-09 15:10:36 -06:00
$limit : Int
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
$includeCreatedAt : Boolean ! = false
$includeUpdatedAt : Boolean ! = false
$includeCueObjectFeatures : Boolean ! = false
$includePocketingIntentionFeatures : Boolean ! = false
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
$includeCueObjectDistance : Boolean ! = false
$includeCueObjectAngle : Boolean ! = false
$includeCueBallSpeed : Boolean ! = false
$includeShotDirection : Boolean ! = false
$includeTargetPocketDistance : Boolean ! = false
$includeMake : Boolean ! = false
$includeIntendedPocketType : Boolean ! = false
) {
2024-08-09 15:10:36 -06:00
getShots (
filterInput : $filterInput
shotsPagination : $shotsPagination
limit : $limit
) {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-05-21 14:14:02 -06:00
user {
2024-07-28 02:06:39 -06:00
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
createdAt @include ( if : $includeCreatedAt )
updatedAt @include ( if : $includeUpdatedAt )
cueObjectFeatures @include ( if : $includeCueObjectFeatures ) {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
cueObjectDistance @include ( if : $includeCueObjectDistance )
cueObjectAngle @include ( if : $includeCueObjectAngle )
cueBallSpeed @include ( if : $includeCueBallSpeed )
shotDirection @include ( if : $includeShotDirection )
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
@include ( if : $includePocketingIntentionFeatures ) {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
targetPocketDistance @include ( if : $includeTargetPocketDistance )
make @include ( if : $includeMake )
intendedPocketType @include ( if : $includeIntendedPocketType )
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
/ * *
* __useGetShotsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetShotsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetShotsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetShotsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* filterInput : // value for 'filterInput'
2024-08-09 15:10:36 -06:00
* shotsPagination : // value for 'shotsPagination'
* limit : // value for 'limit'
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
* includeCreatedAt : // value for 'includeCreatedAt'
* includeUpdatedAt : // value for 'includeUpdatedAt'
* includeCueObjectFeatures : // value for 'includeCueObjectFeatures'
* includePocketingIntentionFeatures : // value for 'includePocketingIntentionFeatures'
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
* includeCueObjectDistance : // value for 'includeCueObjectDistance'
* includeCueObjectAngle : // value for 'includeCueObjectAngle'
* includeCueBallSpeed : // value for 'includeCueBallSpeed'
* includeShotDirection : // value for 'includeShotDirection'
* includeTargetPocketDistance : // value for 'includeTargetPocketDistance'
* includeMake : // value for 'includeMake'
* includeIntendedPocketType : // value for 'includeIntendedPocketType'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export function useGetShotsQuery (
2024-03-30 21:49:29 -06:00
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions < GetShotsQuery , GetShotsQueryVariables > ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetShotsQuery , GetShotsQueryVariables > (
GetShotsDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetShotsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetShotsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery < GetShotsQuery , GetShotsQueryVariables > (
GetShotsDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetShotsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetShotsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery < GetShotsQuery , GetShotsQueryVariables > (
GetShotsDocument ,
options ,
) ;
2024-02-05 12:16:58 -07:00
export type GetShotsQueryHookResult = ReturnType < typeof useGetShotsQuery > ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetShotsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetShotsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetShotsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetShotsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetShotsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetShotsQuery ,
> ;
2024-07-15 15:37:43 -06:00
export const GetShotAnnotationTypesDocument = gql `
query GetShotAnnotationTypes {
getShotAnnotationTypes {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ( {
* variables : {
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ( GetShotAnnotationTypesDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetShotAnnotationTypesLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ( GetShotAnnotationTypesDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetShotAnnotationTypesSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ( GetShotAnnotationTypesDocument , options ) ;
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetShotAnnotationTypesQuery
> ;
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetShotAnnotationTypesLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetShotAnnotationTypesSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetShotAnnotationTypesQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetShotAnnotationTypesQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-12 19:47:10 -06:00
export const GetProfileImageUploadLinkDocument = gql `
mutation getProfileImageUploadLink ( $fileExt : String = ".png" ) {
getProfileImageUploadLink ( fileExt : $fileExt ) {
headers {
` ;
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
/ * *
* __useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ getProfileImageUploadLinkMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ( {
* variables : {
* fileExt : // value for 'fileExt'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ,
> ( GetProfileImageUploadLinkDocument , options ) ;
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation
> ;
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation > ;
export type GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutationOptions =
Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
GetProfileImageUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
export const EditProfileImageUriDocument = gql `
mutation editProfileImageUri ( $profileImageUri : String ! ) {
editProfileImageUri ( profileImageUri : $profileImageUri ) {
` ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
EditProfileImageUriMutation ,
> ;
/ * *
* __useEditProfileImageUriMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useEditProfileImageUriMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useEditProfileImageUriMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ editProfileImageUriMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useEditProfileImageUriMutation ( {
* variables : {
* profileImageUri : // value for 'profileImageUri'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useEditProfileImageUriMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
EditProfileImageUriMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
EditProfileImageUriMutation ,
> ( EditProfileImageUriDocument , options ) ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useEditProfileImageUriMutation
> ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < EditProfileImageUriMutation > ;
export type EditProfileImageUriMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
EditProfileImageUriMutation ,
> ;
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
export const GetLoggedInUserDocument = gql `
query getLoggedInUser {
getLoggedInUser {
2024-07-13 17:47:41 -06:00
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
2024-04-25 17:32:52 -06:00
2024-03-22 12:45:58 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetLoggedInUserQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetLoggedInUserQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetLoggedInUserQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetLoggedInUserQuery ( {
* variables : {
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetLoggedInUserQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetLoggedInUserQuery , GetLoggedInUserQueryVariables > (
GetLoggedInUserDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetLoggedInUserLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ( GetLoggedInUserDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetLoggedInUserSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ( GetLoggedInUserDocument , options ) ;
export type GetLoggedInUserQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetLoggedInUserQuery
> ;
export type GetLoggedInUserLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetLoggedInUserLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetLoggedInUserSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetLoggedInUserSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetLoggedInUserQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetLoggedInUserQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-27 13:35:44 -06:00
export const GetUserPlayTimeDocument = gql `
query GetUserPlayTime ( $userId : Int ! ) {
getPlayTime ( userId : $userId ) {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetUserPlayTimeQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetUserPlayTimeQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetUserPlayTimeQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetUserPlayTimeQuery ( {
* variables : {
* userId : // value for 'userId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetUserPlayTimeQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetUserPlayTimeQuery , GetUserPlayTimeQueryVariables > (
GetUserPlayTimeDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetUserPlayTimeLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ( GetUserPlayTimeDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetUserPlayTimeSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ( GetUserPlayTimeDocument , options ) ;
export type GetUserPlayTimeQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUserPlayTimeQuery
> ;
export type GetUserPlayTimeLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUserPlayTimeLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetUserPlayTimeSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUserPlayTimeSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetUserPlayTimeQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetUserPlayTimeQuery ,
> ;
2024-07-14 00:16:02 -06:00
export const GetUsernamesDocument = gql `
query getUsernames (
$matchString : String !
$limit : Int = null
$after : String = null
) {
getUsernames ( matchString : $matchString , limit : $limit , after : $after )
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetUsernamesQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetUsernamesQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetUsernamesQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetUsernamesQuery ( {
* variables : {
* matchString : // value for 'matchString'
* limit : // value for 'limit'
* after : // value for 'after'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetUsernamesQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetUsernamesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetUsernamesQuery , GetUsernamesQueryVariables > (
GetUsernamesDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetUsernamesLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetUsernamesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery < GetUsernamesQuery , GetUsernamesQueryVariables > (
GetUsernamesDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetUsernamesSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetUsernamesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery < GetUsernamesQuery , GetUsernamesQueryVariables > (
GetUsernamesDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export type GetUsernamesQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUsernamesQuery
> ;
export type GetUsernamesLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUsernamesLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetUsernamesSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUsernamesSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetUsernamesQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetUsernamesQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
export const GetStreamMonitoringDetailsDocument = gql `
2024-08-13 16:30:04 -06:00
query GetStreamMonitoringDetails ( $videoId : Int ! , $debuggingJson : JSON ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId , debuggingJson : $debuggingJson ) {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
homographyHistory {
crop {
pockets {
sourcePoints {
topLeft {
topSide {
topRight {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
bottomLeft {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
bottomSide {
bottomRight {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-03-23 17:03:11 -06:00
stream {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-05-09 17:59:44 -06:00
2024-07-16 20:23:54 -06:00
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
2024-05-20 19:05:10 -06:00
currentProcessing {
errors {
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
2024-08-13 16:30:04 -06:00
* debuggingJson : // value for 'debuggingJson'
2024-03-08 17:54:59 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetStreamMonitoringDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetStreamMonitoringDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetStreamMonitoringDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery
> ;
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetStreamMonitoringDetailsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetStreamMonitoringDetailsQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
export const GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsDocument = gql `
query GetVideoUpdatePageDetails ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-08-15 19:51:36 -06:00
2024-03-22 19:27:57 -06:00
tags {
tagClasses {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoUpdatePageDetailsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideoUpdatePageDetailsQuery ,
> ;
2024-03-12 13:06:14 -06:00
export const DeleteVideoDocument = gql `
mutation DeleteVideo ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
deleteVideo ( videoId : $videoId )
` ;
export type DeleteVideoMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
DeleteVideoMutation ,
> ;
/ * *
* __useDeleteVideoMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useDeleteVideoMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useDeleteVideoMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ deleteVideoMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useDeleteVideoMutation ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useDeleteVideoMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
DeleteVideoMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation < DeleteVideoMutation , DeleteVideoMutationVariables > (
DeleteVideoDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export type DeleteVideoMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useDeleteVideoMutation
> ;
export type DeleteVideoMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < DeleteVideoMutation > ;
export type DeleteVideoMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
DeleteVideoMutation ,
> ;
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
export const GetVideoDetailsDocument = gql `
query GetVideoDetails ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-04-29 14:08:27 -06:00
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
2024-08-15 19:51:36 -06:00
2024-04-09 14:52:37 -06:00
owner {
tags {
tagClasses {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideoDetailsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideoDetailsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideoDetailsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideoDetailsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideoDetailsQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetVideoDetailsQuery , GetVideoDetailsQueryVariables > (
GetVideoDetailsDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetVideoDetailsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoDetailsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetVideoDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetVideoDetailsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoDetailsQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoDetailsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoDetailsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoDetailsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoDetailsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoDetailsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideoDetailsQuery ,
> ;
2024-04-22 22:20:59 -06:00
export const GetVideosDocument = gql `
query GetVideos ( $videoIds : [ Int ! ] ! ) {
getVideos ( videoIds : $videoIds ) {
playlist {
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
stream {
segments {
2024-04-22 22:20:59 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideosQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideosQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideosQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideosQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoIds : // value for 'videoIds'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideosQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions < GetVideosQuery , GetVideosQueryVariables > ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetVideosQuery , GetVideosQueryVariables > (
GetVideosDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetVideosLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideosQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery < GetVideosQuery , GetVideosQueryVariables > (
GetVideosDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetVideosSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideosQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery < GetVideosQuery , GetVideosQueryVariables > (
GetVideosDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export type GetVideosQueryHookResult = ReturnType < typeof useGetVideosQuery > ;
export type GetVideosLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideosLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideosSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideosSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideosQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideosQuery ,
> ;
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
export const GetVideoDocument = gql `
query GetVideo ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
playlist {
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
homographyHistory {
2024-08-01 15:52:37 -06:00
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
crop {
pockets {
sourcePoints {
topLeft {
topSide {
topRight {
bottomLeft {
bottomSide {
bottomRight {
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
stream {
2024-07-27 20:51:48 -06:00
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
segments {
2024-07-25 19:07:17 -06:00
resolution {
2024-05-20 21:52:38 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideoQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideoQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideoQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideoQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideoQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions < GetVideoQuery , GetVideoQueryVariables > ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetVideoQuery , GetVideoQueryVariables > (
GetVideoDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetVideoLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery < GetVideoQuery , GetVideoQueryVariables > (
GetVideoDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetVideoSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery < GetVideoQuery , GetVideoQueryVariables > (
GetVideoDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export type GetVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType < typeof useGetVideoQuery > ;
export type GetVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideoQuery ,
> ;
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
export const GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoDocument = gql `
query GetAverageTimePerShotForVideo ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery
> ;
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetAverageTimePerShotForVideoSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetAverageTimePerShotForVideoQuery ,
> ;
export const GetElapsedTimeForVideoDocument = gql `
query GetElapsedTimeForVideo ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetElapsedTimeForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetElapsedTimeForVideoLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetElapsedTimeForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetElapsedTimeForVideoSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetElapsedTimeForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery
> ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetElapsedTimeForVideoLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetElapsedTimeForVideoSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetElapsedTimeForVideoQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetElapsedTimeForVideoQuery ,
> ;
export const GetMedianRunForVideoDocument = gql `
query GetMedianRunForVideo ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-06-05 12:51:15 -06:00
2024-06-05 00:20:47 -06:00
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetMedianRunForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetMedianRunForVideoLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetMedianRunForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetMedianRunForVideoSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ( GetMedianRunForVideoDocument , options ) ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetMedianRunForVideoQuery
> ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetMedianRunForVideoLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetMedianRunForVideoSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetMedianRunForVideoQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetMedianRunForVideoQuery ,
> ;
2024-07-30 00:58:33 -06:00
export const GetVideoForClipTimesDocument = gql `
query GetVideoForClipTimes ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getVideo ( videoId : $videoId ) {
2024-07-30 11:53:34 -06:00
2024-07-30 00:58:33 -06:00
playlist {
stream {
segments {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery (
baseOptions : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ( GetVideoForClipTimesDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoForClipTimesLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ( GetVideoForClipTimesDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetVideoForClipTimesSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ( GetVideoForClipTimesDocument , options ) ;
export type GetVideoForClipTimesQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoForClipTimesQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoForClipTimesLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoForClipTimesLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoForClipTimesSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetVideoForClipTimesSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetVideoForClipTimesQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetVideoForClipTimesQuery ,
> ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export const CreateUploadStreamDocument = gql `
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
mutation CreateUploadStream ( $videoMetadataInput : VideoMetadataInput ! ) {
createUploadStream ( videoMetadata : $videoMetadataInput ) {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
CreateUploadStreamMutation ,
> ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
/ * *
* __useCreateUploadStreamMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useCreateUploadStreamMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useCreateUploadStreamMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ createUploadStreamMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useCreateUploadStreamMutation ( {
* variables : {
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
* videoMetadataInput : // value for 'videoMetadataInput'
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export function useCreateUploadStreamMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
CreateUploadStreamMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
CreateUploadStreamMutation ,
> ( CreateUploadStreamDocument , options ) ;
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useCreateUploadStreamMutation
> ;
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < CreateUploadStreamMutation > ;
export type CreateUploadStreamMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
CreateUploadStreamMutation ,
> ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
export const GetUploadLinkDocument = gql `
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
mutation GetUploadLink ( $videoId : Int ! , $segmentIndex : Int ! ) {
getUploadLink ( videoId : $videoId , segmentIndex : $segmentIndex ) {
2024-03-04 18:20:11 -07:00
headers {
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
export type GetUploadLinkMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
GetUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
/ * *
* __useGetUploadLinkMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useGetUploadLinkMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetUploadLinkMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ getUploadLinkMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useGetUploadLinkMutation ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
2024-02-11 22:46:11 -07:00
* segmentIndex : // value for 'segmentIndex'
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export function useGetUploadLinkMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
GetUploadLinkMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
GetUploadLinkMutation ,
> ( GetUploadLinkDocument , options ) ;
2024-02-22 19:23:28 -07:00
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
export type GetUploadLinkMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadLinkMutation
> ;
export type GetUploadLinkMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < GetUploadLinkMutation > ;
export type GetUploadLinkMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
GetUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
2024-07-15 18:29:55 -06:00
export const GetHlsInitUploadLinkDocument = gql `
mutation GetHlsInitUploadLink ( $videoId : Int ! ) {
getHlsInitUploadLink ( videoId : $videoId ) {
headers {
` ;
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
/ * *
* __useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ getHlsInitUploadLinkMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ,
> ( GetHlsInitUploadLinkDocument , options ) ;
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation
> ;
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation > ;
export type GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
GetHlsInitUploadLinkMutation ,
> ;
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
export const SetSegmentDurationDocument = gql `
mutation SetSegmentDuration (
$videoId : Int !
2024-07-16 20:22:16 -06:00
$segmentIndex : Int !
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
$duration : Float !
) {
setSegmentDuration (
videoId : $videoId
2024-07-16 20:22:16 -06:00
segmentIndex : $segmentIndex
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
duration : $duration
` ;
export type SetSegmentDurationMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
SetSegmentDurationMutation ,
> ;
/ * *
* __useSetSegmentDurationMutation__
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useSetSegmentDurationMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useSetSegmentDurationMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
* const [ setSegmentDurationMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useSetSegmentDurationMutation ( {
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
2024-07-16 20:22:16 -06:00
* segmentIndex : // value for 'segmentIndex'
2024-07-16 17:33:22 -06:00
* duration : // value for 'duration'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useSetSegmentDurationMutation (
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
SetSegmentDurationMutation ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
SetSegmentDurationMutation ,
> ( SetSegmentDurationDocument , options ) ;
export type SetSegmentDurationMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useSetSegmentDurationMutation
> ;
export type SetSegmentDurationMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < SetSegmentDurationMutation > ;
export type SetSegmentDurationMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
SetSegmentDurationMutation ,
> ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export const EditUploadStreamDocument = gql `
mutation EditUploadStream (
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
$videoId : Int !
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
$videoMetadataInput : VideoMetadataInput !
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
) {
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
editUploadStream ( videoId : $videoId , videoMetadata : $videoMetadataInput )
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
` ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type EditUploadStreamMutationFn = Apollo . MutationFunction <
EditUploadStreamMutation ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
/ * *
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
* __useEditUploadStreamMutation__
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
* To run a mutation , you first call ` useEditUploadStreamMutation ` within a React component and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useEditUploadStreamMutation ` returns a tuple that includes :
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
* - A mutate function that you can call at any time to execute the mutation
* - An object with fields that represent the current status of the mutation ' s execution
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the mutation , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options-2;
* @example
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
* const [ editUploadStreamMutation , { data , loading , error } ] = useEditUploadStreamMutation ( {
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
* variables : {
* videoId : // value for 'videoId'
2024-03-04 20:10:49 -07:00
* videoMetadataInput : // value for 'videoMetadataInput'
2024-02-03 03:34:57 -07:00
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export function useEditUploadStreamMutation (
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
baseOptions? : Apollo.MutationHookOptions <
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
EditUploadStreamMutation ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useMutation <
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
EditUploadStreamMutation ,
> ( EditUploadStreamDocument , options ) ;
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type EditUploadStreamMutationHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useEditUploadStreamMutation
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-03-24 21:01:02 -06:00
export type EditUploadStreamMutationResult =
Apollo . MutationResult < EditUploadStreamMutation > ;
export type EditUploadStreamMutationOptions = Apollo . BaseMutationOptions <
EditUploadStreamMutation ,
2024-02-22 19:27:29 -07:00
> ;
2024-04-23 12:49:42 -06:00
export const GetUploadStreamsDocument = gql `
query GetUploadStreams (
$limit : Int ! = 5
$after : String = null
$filters : VideoFilterInput = null
) {
getUserVideos ( limit : $limit , after : $after , filters : $filters ) {
videos {
pageInfo {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetUploadStreamsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetUploadStreamsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetUploadStreamsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetUploadStreamsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* limit : // value for 'limit'
* after : // value for 'after'
* filters : // value for 'filters'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetUploadStreamsQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery < GetUploadStreamsQuery , GetUploadStreamsQueryVariables > (
GetUploadStreamsDocument ,
options ,
) ;
export function useGetUploadStreamsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ( GetUploadStreamsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetUploadStreamsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ( GetUploadStreamsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetUploadStreamsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetUploadStreamsQuery ,
> ;
2024-05-06 16:16:06 -06:00
export const GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsDocument = gql `
query GetUploadStreamsWithDetails (
$limit : Int ! = 5
$after : String = null
$filters : VideoFilterInput = null
) {
getUserVideos ( limit : $limit , after : $after , filters : $filters ) {
videos {
stream {
2024-08-12 18:23:55 -06:00
2024-05-06 16:16:06 -06:00
pageInfo {
` ;
/ * *
* __useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery__
* To run a query within a React component , call ` useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ` and pass it any options that fit your needs .
* When your component renders , ` useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ` returns an object from Apollo Client that contains loading , error , and data properties
* you can use to render your UI .
* @param baseOptions options that will be passed into the query , supported options are listed on : https : //www.apollographql.com/docs/react/api/react-hooks/#options;
* @example
* const { data , loading , error } = useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ( {
* variables : {
* limit : // value for 'limit'
* after : // value for 'after'
* filters : // value for 'filters'
* } ,
* } ) ;
* /
export function useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.QueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useQuery <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsLazyQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useLazyQuery <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export function useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsSuspenseQuery (
baseOptions? : Apollo.SuspenseQueryHookOptions <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ,
) {
const options = { . . . defaultOptions , . . . baseOptions } ;
return Apollo . useSuspenseQuery <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ( GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsDocument , options ) ;
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsLazyQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsLazyQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsSuspenseQueryHookResult = ReturnType <
typeof useGetUploadStreamsWithDetailsSuspenseQuery
> ;
export type GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQueryResult = Apollo . QueryResult <
GetUploadStreamsWithDetailsQuery ,
> ;