(1(paredit .[(22)()"minor mode for editing parentheses -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-"single])(sass-mode .[(3 0 14)((haml-mode (3 0 14)))"Major mode for editing Sass files"single])(perspective .[(1 9)()"switch between named \"perspectives\" of the editor"single])(slime .[(20100404 1)()"Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs"single])(slime-repl .[(20100404)((slime (20100404)))"Read-Eval-Print Loop written in Emacs Lisp"single])(scpaste .[(0 6)((htmlize (1 39)))"Paste to the web via scp."single])(idle-highlight .[(1 0)()"highlight the word the point is on"single])(magit .[(1 2 0)()"Control Git from Emacs."tar])(durendal .[(0 2)((clojure-mode (1 7)) (slime (20100404)) (paredit (22)))"A bucket of tricks for Clojure and Slime."single])(htmlize .[(1 39)()"Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML."single])(furl .[(0 0 2)()"Friendly URL retrieval"single])(marmalade .[(0 0 4)((furl (0 0 2)))"Elisp interface for the Emacs Lisp package server."single])(yari .[(0 5)()"Yet Another RI interface for Emacs"single])(enclose .[(0 0 2)()"Enclose cursor within punctuation pairs"single])(html-script-src .[(0 0 2)()"Insert