#!/bin/sh # If you are new to arch, I encourage you to at least read and understand what # this script does befor blindley running it. # That's why I didn't make a one-liner out of it so you have an easier time # reading and understanding it :) # # This scripts purpose is purly to save you a few seconds on your new installation. # # Enjoy your time on an awesome system. Arch FTW! # Run the following from a terminal to install pacaur: # $ curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Tadly/0e65d30f279a34c33e9b/raw/pacaur_install.sh | bash # Make sure our shiny new arch is up-to-date echo "Checking for system updates..." sudo pacman -Syu # Create a tmp-working-dir an navigate into it mkdir -p /tmp/pacaur_install cd /tmp/pacaur_install # If you didn't install the "base-devil" group, # we'll need those. sudo pacman -S binutils make gcc fakeroot --noconfirm # Install pacaur dependencies from arch repos sudo pacman -S expac yajl git --noconfirm # Install "cower" from AUR curl -o PKGBUILD https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD?h=cower makepkg PKGBUILD --skippgpcheck sudo pacman -U cower*.tar.xz --noconfirm # Install "pacaur" from AUR curl -o PKGBUILD https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/PKGBUILD?h=pacaur makepkg PKGBUILD sudo pacman -U pacaur*.tar.xz --noconfirm # Clean up... cd ~ rm -r /tmp/pacaur_install