self: super: let lorriSource = (import {}).fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = "057kqbivf4xbhakz1j1b19sxd5c6p6rqhg6pwnq2zfvvmp8nmylm"; }; lorriBinSource = super.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "IvanMalison"; repo = "lorri"; rev = "94c7152745688c1268262a42d1d0fa0b7b2f6309"; sha256 = "07mcmj44f35yb2ifzr4zmazqv54dh0vhvkdikbymm2vdmjh8xdw8"; }; in { clipit = super.clipit.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "50d983514386029a1f133187902084b753458f32"; preConfigure = "./"; configureFlags = ["--with-gtk3" "--enable-appindicator"]; src = super.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "IvanMalison"; repo = "ClipIt"; sha256 = "1d52zjnxmcp2kr4wvq2yn9fhr61v9scp91fxfvasvz5m7k1zagdn"; rev = version; }; buildInputs = with self; [ autoconf automake intltool gtk3 xdotool hicolor-icon-theme libappindicator-gtk3 ]; }); pasystray-appindicator = super.pasystray.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [self.libappindicator-gtk3]; }); customizable-notify-osd = super.notify-osd.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.9.35+16.04.20160415"; baseURI = ""; src = super.fetchurl { url = "${baseURI}/+files/notify-osd_${version}-0ubuntu1-leolik~ppa0.tar.gz"; sha256 = "026dr46jh3xc4103wnslzy7pxbxkkpflh52c59j8vzwaa7bvvzkv"; name = "notify-osd-customizable.tar.gz"; }; preConfigure = "./ --libexecdir=$(out)/bin"; buildInputs = with self; [ glib libwnck3 libnotify dbus-glib gnome3.gsettings-desktop-schemas makeWrapper libtool gnome3.gnome-common ]; }); lorri = (import (lorriBinSource.outPath + "/default.nix")) { pkgs = super; }; }