Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,23 +8,50 @@ like the incredibly well commented literate configurations of [[http://pages.sac
[[][Ryan Rix]], but I haven't quite gotten around to polishing it to the point that
those two have. Still, there are definitely a few sections of which I am quite
proud, and that others may find to be useful.
** Highlights
* Highlights
These sections are the ones that have the most potential to be interesting to
*** [[Functions][My functions section]]
** How I generate
*** Git Hooks
I wrote a [[][githook and an installer script]] that automatically update index.html
at the root of the repository by running ~org-html-export-to-html~ on my
|||| (essentially this document) . These should work no matter where they
are placed in a repository. The org-mode file that they target is set [[][here]] and
should be relatively easy to change.
*** [[][Read The Org]]
I use [[][fniessen]]'s ReadTheOrg theme which can be found at
*** Heading Links
To make it so that internal heading links have names that correspond to the
heading text, and don't change when new headings are added to the document, I
wrote a custom version of ~org-export-get-reference~.
See how [[Use my own default naming scheme for org-headings][this link]] (which is just a normal internal link in the original
document) takes you to
In case you haven't noticed, that is where you should go grab the code that does
I'm considering turning this snippet in to a package, so please let me know if
that is something you are interested in.
*** Set Background Color Source Blocks
For some reason, org-mode uses all of your currently active fontification when exporting EXCEPT for background color. [[Set Background Color of Source Blocks for Export][This]] modification fixes this.
** [[Functions][My functions section]]
...has a bunch of generally useful functions:
+ [[][emit-prefix-selector]] (SUPER USEFUL, moved to emit) See [[][README]] for explantion
+ [[Font Size][Font Size]] functions and an [[fontsizehydra][Awesome Hydra]] for them
+ [[downloadfile][Download a file into a buffer]] (curl straight into a file)
+ [[editscript][Edit a script on $PATH]]
+ [[namedbuild][Named Build of Builder Macros]] and [[composemacros][A Compose Supporting Macros]]
*** Configuration of My Own Packages
+ [[Yanking][Copy Portions of Buffer File Path Hydra]] and the associated [[Copy String Functions][Copy String Functions]]
+ [[namedbuild][Named Build of Builder Macros]] ([[][README]]) and [[composemacros][A Compose Supporting Macros]] ([[][README]])
** Configuration of My Own Packages
- [[term-projectile][term-projectile]] and [[term-manager][term-manager]]
- [[org-projectile][org-projectile]]
- [[multi-line][multi-line]]
- [[github-search][github-search]]
- [[flimenu][flimenu]]
*** [[programminglanguages][Programming Language Configurations]]
** [[programminglanguages][Programming Language Configurations]]
My programming language major mode configurations can all be found [[programminglanguages][here]].
*** [[org][org-mode]]
** [[org][org-mode]]
My [[org][org-mode]] configuration is pretty comprehensive, but not super well commented.
* HTML Headers
@ -781,7 +808,7 @@ A macro for composing functions together to build an interactive command to copy
** Edit a script on PATH
<<editscript>> Note that you'll need to make sure that emacs properly inherits
the path variable for this work. Check out my [[exec-path-from-shell]] config for
the path variable for this work. Check out my [[exec-path-from-shell][exec-path-from-shell]] config for
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun imalison:get-executables-at-path (filepath)
@ -1388,40 +1415,50 @@ for more details
("C-c 6" . imalison:compile/body))
(defhydra imalison:hydra-font-resize
"Resize Font"
("-" imalison:font-size-decr "Decrease")
("d" imalison:font-size-decr "Decrease")
("=" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("+" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("i" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("h" imalison:set-huge-font-size "Huge")
("f" set-frame-font "Set Frame Font")
("0" imalison:font-size-reset "Reset to default size"))
*** Font Size
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defhydra imalison:hydra-font-resize
"Resize Font"
("-" imalison:font-size-decr "Decrease")
("d" imalison:font-size-decr "Decrease")
("=" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("+" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("i" imalison:font-size-incr "Increase")
("h" imalison:set-huge-font-size "Huge")
("f" set-frame-font "Set Frame Font")
("0" imalison:font-size-reset "Reset to default size"))
*** Yanking
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defhydra imalison:hydra-yank
"Yank text"
("p" imalison:copy-buffer-file-path "Projectile path")
("f" imalison:copy-buffer-file-path-full "Full path")
("n" imalison:copy-buffer-file-name "File name")
("b" imalison:copy-current-git-branch "Git Branch"))
*** Compile
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun imalison:make-test ()
(let ((default-directory (projectile-project-root)))
(imalison:named-compile "make test")))
(defhydra imalison:hydra-yank
"Yank text"
("p" imalison:copy-buffer-file-path "Projectile path")
("f" imalison:copy-buffer-file-path-full "Full path")
("n" imalison:copy-buffer-file-name "File name")
("b" imalison:copy-current-git-branch "Git Branch"))
(defun imalison:glide-up ()
(imalison:named-compile "glide up"))
(defun imalison:make-test ()
(let ((default-directory (projectile-project-root)))
(imalison:named-compile "make test")))
(defun imalison:glide-up ()
(imalison:named-compile "glide up"))
(defhydra imalison:compile nil "Compile"
("s" imalison:projectile-helm-command-from-zsh "Select a command from shell history")
("c" imalison:named-compile "Enter Custom Command")
("t" imalison:make-test "Test")
("u" imalison:glide-up "Update Dependencies"))))
(defhydra imalison:compile nil "Compile"
("s" imalison:projectile-helm-command-from-zsh "Select a command from shell history")
("c" imalison:named-compile "Enter Custom Command")
("t" imalison:make-test "Test")
("u" imalison:glide-up "Update Dependencies"))
;; The following parens close the use-package/progn created several blocks above
** kill-emacs
This ensures that C-x C-c will always kill emacs, even if we are running in server mode.
@ -3056,7 +3093,8 @@ Intero seems to be causing hangs, so it has been disabled
;; blame.
**** Correct BG color for org-export
**** Set Background Color of Source Blocks for Export
This was taken from [[][here]].
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org
@ -3104,27 +3142,30 @@ as its link target.
This function replaces the default naming scheme with a call to
~imalison:generate-name~, and uses a slightly different uniquify approach.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-export-get-reference (datum info)
"Return a unique reference for DATUM, as a string.
(use-package ox
:ensure nil
(defun org-export-get-reference (datum info)
"Return a unique reference for DATUM, as a string.
DATUM is either an element or an object. INFO is the current
export state, as a plist. Returned reference consists of
alphanumeric characters only."
(let ((type (org-element-type datum))
(cache (or (plist-get info :internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(plist-put info :internal-references h)
(reverse-cache (or (plist-get info :taken-internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(plist-put info :taken-internal-references h)
(or (gethash datum cache)
(let* ((name (imalison:generate-name datum cache))
(number (+ 1 (gethash name reverse-cache -1)))
(new-name (format "%s%s" name (if (< 0 number) number ""))))
(puthash name number reverse-cache)
(puthash datum new-name cache)
(let ((type (org-element-type datum))
(cache (or (plist-get info :internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
(plist-put info :internal-references h)
(reverse-cache (or (plist-get info :taken-internal-references)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(plist-put info :taken-internal-references h)
(or (gethash datum cache)
(let* ((name (imalison:generate-name datum cache))
(number (+ 1 (gethash name reverse-cache -1)))
(new-name (format "%s%s" name (if (< 0 number) number ""))))
(puthash name number reverse-cache)
(puthash datum new-name cache)
**** org-projectile
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# -*- mode: sh -*-
EMACS_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." && pwd )"
TOP_LEVEL="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
REPOSITORY_NAME="$(realpath --relative-to="$TOP_LEVEL" "$README")"
REPOSITORY_NAME="$(realpath --relative-to="$TOP_LEVEL" "$TARGET")"
readme_was_updated() {
git diff HEAD HEAD~1 --name-only | grep --quiet "$REPOSITORY_NAME"
update_index () {
emacsclient -e "(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect \"$README\")
emacsclient -e "(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect \"$TARGET\")
cp -f "$EMACS_DIR/README.html" "$TOP_LEVEL/index.html"
@ -203,3 +203,5 @@ function swap_mirror_swap {
function brew_relink {
brew unlink "$1" && brew link "$1"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user