More literateization
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,13 +19,22 @@ custom-before.el is loaded before the rest of init.el, while custom-after.el is
(defvar custom-after-file "~/.emacs.d/custom-after.el")
(when (file-exists-p machine-custom) (load machine-custom))
* Custom emacs-lisp
** GUI Disables
Death to any gui elements in emacs! Do this EARLY so that emacs doesn't redisplay in a way that is visually unpleasant on startup a bunch of times.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun emacs24_4-p ()
(or (and (>= emacs-major-version 24)
(>= emacs-minor-version 4))
(>= emacs-major-version 25)))
(when (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode -1))
(when (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode -1))
(when (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (scroll-bar-mode -1))
* Custom emacs-lisp
An emacs version predicate builder
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defmacro emacs-version-predicate (major-version minor-version)
`(lambda ()
(or (> emacs-major-version ,major-version)
(and (>= emacs-major-version ,major-version)
(>= emacs-minor-version ,minor-version)))))
(defalias emacs24_4-p (emacs-version-predicate 24 4))
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -34,7 +43,8 @@ custom-before.el is loaded before the rest of init.el, while custom-after.el is
* Packages
** Essential
Helm for almost all emacs completion
*** helm
I use helm for almost all emacs completion
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package helm-config
:ensure helm
@ -144,6 +154,22 @@ Helm for almost all emacs completion
(helm-mode 1)
(diminish 'helm-mode)))
*** magit
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:commands magit-status
:bind (("C-x g" . magit-status))
(defvar-setq magit-last-seen-setup-instructions "1.4.0")
(use-package magit-filenotify
;; Seems like OSX does not support filenotify.
:disabled t
:if (funcall o(emacs-version-predicate 24 4))
:init (add-hook 'magit-status-mode-hook 'magit-filenotify-mode))))
** Major-Mode
* Keybindings
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@ -175,23 +201,15 @@ Helm for almost all emacs completion
(quote ([1 67108896 19 100 6 23 40 19 41 return
backspace 32 46 6 4] 0 "%d")) arg)))
** OSX
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(when (equal system-type 'darwin)
(setq mac-option-modifier 'meta)
(setq mac-command-modifier 'super))
* TODO Make the stuff under this heading literate
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(when (equal system-type 'darwin)
(setq mac-option-modifier 'meta)
(setq mac-command-modifier 'super))
;; =============================================================================
;; GUI Disables
;; =============================================================================
;; Turn off mouse interface early in startup to avoid momentary display
(when (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode -1))
(when (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode -1))
(when (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (scroll-bar-mode -1))
;; =============================================================================
;; byte-compiler
;; =============================================================================
@ -904,20 +922,6 @@ buffer is not visiting a file."
:disabled t
:config (github-notifier-mode))
(use-package magit
:commands magit-status
:bind (("C-x g" . magit-status))
(defvar-setq magit-last-seen-setup-instructions "1.4.0")
(use-package magit-filenotify
;; Seems like OSX does not support filenotify.
:disabled t
:if (emacs24_4-p)
:init (add-hook 'magit-status-mode-hook 'magit-filenotify-mode))))
(use-package company
:commands company-mode imalison:company
:bind (("C-\\" . imalison:company))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user