[XMonad] Reindent a bunch of definitions
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,18 +49,20 @@ import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
(NamedScratchpad(NS), nonFloating, namedScratchpadAction)
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
main = xmonad $ def
{ modMask = mod4Mask
, terminal = "urxvt"
, manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook def
, layoutHook = myLayoutHook
, logHook = toggleFadeInactiveLogHook 0.9 +++ ewmhWorkspaceNamesLogHook
, handleEventHook = docksEventHook <+> fullscreenEventHook +++
ewmhDesktopsEventHook +++ pagerHintsEventHook +++
, startupHook = myStartup +++ ewmhWorkspaceNamesLogHook
, keys = customKeys (const []) addKeys
} where
main =
xmonad $ def
{ modMask = mod4Mask
, terminal = "urxvt"
, manageHook = manageDocks <+> myManageHook <+> manageHook def
, layoutHook = myLayoutHook
, logHook = toggleFadeInactiveLogHook 0.9 +++ ewmhWorkspaceNamesLogHook
, handleEventHook =
docksEventHook <+> fullscreenEventHook +++
ewmhDesktopsEventHook +++ pagerHintsEventHook +++ followIfNoMagicFocus
, startupHook = myStartup +++ ewmhWorkspaceNamesLogHook
, keys = customKeys (const []) addKeys
x +++ y = mappend y x
@ -127,18 +129,19 @@ myStartup = spawn "systemctl --user start wm.target"
-- Manage hook
myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
[ [ transmissionSelector --> doShift "5" ]
-- Hangouts being on a separate workspace freezes chrome
-- , [ hangoutsSelector --> doShift "2"]
myManageHook =
composeAll . concat $
[ [transmissionSelector --> doShift "5"]
-- Hangouts being on a separate workspace freezes chrome
-- , [ hangoutsSelector --> doShift "2"]
-- Toggles
unmodifyLayout (ModifiedLayout _ x') = x'
selectLimit = DM.menuArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] ["2", "3", "4"] >>=
(setLimit . read)
selectLimit =
DM.menuArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] ["2", "3", "4"] >>= (setLimit . read)
data MyToggles = LIMIT
@ -146,34 +149,37 @@ data MyToggles = LIMIT
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Transformer MyToggles Window where
transform LIMIT x k = k (limitSlice 2 x) unmodifyLayout
transform GAPS x k = k (smartSpacing 5 x) unmodifyLayout
transform MAGICFOCUS x k = k (magicFocus x) unmodifyLayout
transform LIMIT x k = k (limitSlice 2 x) unmodifyLayout
transform GAPS x k = k (smartSpacing 5 x) unmodifyLayout
transform MAGICFOCUS x k = k (magicFocus x) unmodifyLayout
otherToggles = [NBFULL, MIRROR]
followIfNoMagicFocus = followOnlyIf $ fmap (fromMaybe False . fmap not) $
isToggleActive MAGICFOCUS
followIfNoMagicFocus =
followOnlyIf $ maybe False not <$> isToggleActive MAGICFOCUS
togglesMap = fmap M.fromList $ sequence $
map toggleTuple myToggles ++ map toggleTuple otherToggles
toggleTuple toggle = fmap (\str -> (str, Toggle toggle))
(toggleToStringWithState toggle)
togglesMap =
fmap M.fromList $ sequence $
map toggleTuple myToggles ++ map toggleTuple otherToggles
toggleTuple toggle =
fmap (\str -> (str, Toggle toggle)) (toggleToStringWithState toggle)
toggleStateToString s = case s of
Just True -> "ON"
Just False -> "OFF"
Nothing -> "N/A"
toggleStateToString s =
case s of
Just True -> "ON"
Just False -> "OFF"
Nothing -> "N/A"
toggleToStringWithState :: (Transformer t Window, Show t) => t -> X String
toggleToStringWithState toggle =
(printf "%s (%s)" (show toggle) . toggleStateToString) <$>
isToggleActive toggle
(printf "%s (%s)" (show toggle) . toggleStateToString) <$> isToggleActive toggle
selectToggle = togglesMap >>= DM.menuMapArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] >>=
flip whenJust sendMessage
selectToggle =
togglesMap >>= DM.menuMapArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] >>=
flip whenJust sendMessage
toggleInState :: (Transformer t Window) => t -> Maybe Bool -> X Bool
toggleInState t s = fmap (/= s) (isToggleActive t)
@ -188,8 +194,8 @@ setToggleActive = (void .) . setToggleActive'
deactivateFull = setToggleActive NBFULL False
toggleOr toggle toState action = setToggleActive' toggle toState >>=
((`when` action) . not)
toggleOr toggle toState action =
setToggleActive' toggle toState >>= ((`when` action) . not)
deactivateFullOr = toggleOr NBFULL False
deactivateFullAnd action = sequence_ [deactivateFull, action]
@ -206,22 +212,25 @@ layoutsStart layout = (layout, [Layout layout])
(|||!) (joined, layouts) newLayout =
(joined ||| newLayout, layouts ++ [Layout newLayout])
layoutInfo = layoutsStart (rename "Columns" $ multiCol [1, 1] 2 0.01 (-0.5)) |||!
rename "Large Main" (Tall 1 (3/100) (3/4)) |||!
rename "2 Columns" (Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)) |||!
layoutInfo =
layoutsStart (rename "Columns" $ multiCol [1, 1] 2 0.01 (-0.5)) |||!
rename "Large Main" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (3 / 4)) |||!
rename "2 Columns" (Tall 1 (3 / 100) (1 / 2)) |||!
layoutList = snd layoutInfo
layoutNames = [description layout | layout <- layoutList]
selectLayout = DM.menuArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] layoutNames >>=
(sendMessage . JumpToLayout)
selectLayout =
DM.menuArgs "rofi" ["-dmenu", "-i"] layoutNames >>=
(sendMessage . JumpToLayout)
myLayoutHook = avoidStruts . minimize . boringAuto . mkToggle1 MIRROR .
mkToggle1 LIMIT . mkToggle1 GAPS . mkToggle1 MAGICFOCUS .
mkToggle1 NBFULL . workspaceNamesHook . smartBorders . noBorders $
fst layoutInfo
myLayoutHook =
avoidStruts . minimize . boringAuto . mkToggle1 MIRROR . mkToggle1 LIMIT .
mkToggle1 GAPS . mkToggle1 MAGICFOCUS . mkToggle1 NBFULL . workspaceNamesHook .
smartBorders . noBorders $ fst layoutInfo
-- WindowBringer
@ -298,7 +307,7 @@ ewmhWorkspaceNamesLogHook = do
ewmhDesktopsLogHookCustom id tagRemapping
getWorkspaceNameFromTag getWSName tag =
printf "%s: %s " tag (fromMaybe "(Empty)" (getWSName tag))
printf "%s: %s " tag (fromMaybe "(Empty)" (getWSName tag))
-- Toggleable fade
@ -334,9 +343,9 @@ getCurrentWS = W.stack . W.workspace . W.current
withWorkspace f = withWindowSet $ \ws -> maybe (return ()) f (getCurrentWS ws)
minimizeOtherClassesInWorkspace =
actOnWindowsInWorkspace minimizeWindow windowsWithUnfocusedClass
actOnWindowsInWorkspace minimizeWindow windowsWithUnfocusedClass
maximizeSameClassesInWorkspace =
actOnWindowsInWorkspace maybeUnminimize windowsWithFocusedClass
actOnWindowsInWorkspace maybeUnminimize windowsWithFocusedClass
-- Type annotation is needed to resolve ambiguity
actOnWindowsInWorkspace :: (Window -> X ()) -> (W.Stack Window -> X [Window]) -> X ()
@ -349,13 +358,13 @@ windowsWithOtherClasses = windowsMatchingPredicate (/=)
windowsWithSameClass = windowsMatchingPredicate (==)
windowsMatchingPredicate predicate window workspace =
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace $ do
windowClass <- getClass window
return $ predicate windowClass
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace $ do
windowClass <- getClass window
return $ predicate windowClass
windowsSatisfyingPredicate workspace getPredicate = do
predicate <- getPredicate
filterM (\w -> predicate <$> getClass w) (W.integrate workspace)
predicate <- getPredicate
filterM (\w -> predicate <$> getClass w) (W.integrate workspace)
windowIsMinimized w = do
minimized <- XS.gets minimizedStack
@ -379,26 +388,29 @@ restoreOrMinimizeOtherClasses = withLastMinimized' $
-- Use greedyView to switch to the correct workspace, and then focus on the
-- appropriate window within that workspace.
greedyFocusWindow w ws = W.focusWindow w $ W.greedyView
(fromMaybe (W.currentTag ws) $ W.findTag w ws) ws
greedyFocusWindow w ws =
W.focusWindow w $
W.greedyView (fromMaybe (W.currentTag ws) $ W.findTag w ws) ws
shiftThenView i = W.greedyView i . W.shift i
shiftToEmptyAndView = doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder (windows . shiftThenView)
greedyBringWindow w = greedyFocusWindow w . bringWindow w
shiftToEmptyAndView =
doTo Next EmptyWS DWO.getSortByOrder (windows . shiftThenView)
swapFocusedWith w ws = W.modify' (swapFocusedWith' w) (W.delete' w ws)
swapFocusedWith' w (W.Stack current ls rs) = W.Stack w ls (rs ++ [current])
swapMinimizeStateAfter action = withFocused $ \originalWindow -> do
_ <- action
restoreFocus $ do
withFocused $ \newWindow ->
when (newWindow /= originalWindow)
$ minimizeWindow originalWindow
swapMinimizeStateAfter action =
withFocused $
\originalWindow -> do
_ <- action
restoreFocus $
do maybeUnminimizeFocused
withFocused $
\newWindow -> when (newWindow /= originalWindow) $ minimizeWindow originalWindow
-- Named Scratchpads
Reference in New Issue
Block a user