Reindent org-projectile's usepackge.

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Malison 2015-07-01 09:06:07 -07:00
parent 6df84cbc08
commit 66f643106e

View File

@ -998,23 +998,23 @@ the same tree node, and the headline of the tree node in the Org-mode file."
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'disable-linum-mode)))
(use-package org-projectile
:ensure t
:demand t
:bind (("C-c n p" . imalison:helm-org-todo))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
(org-projectile:project-todo-entry "l" "* TODO %? %a\n" "Linked Project TODO"))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates (org-projectile:project-todo-entry "p"))
(setq org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil)
(imalison:add-to-org-agenda-files (org-projectile:todo-files))
(defun imalison:helm-org-todo (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(helm :sources (list (helm-source-org-capture-templates)
(if arg (org-capture-make-linked-todo-template)
:ensure t
:demand t
:bind (("C-c n p" . imalison:helm-org-todo))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
(org-projectile:project-todo-entry "l" "* TODO %? %a\n" "Linked Project TODO"))
(add-to-list 'org-capture-templates (org-projectile:project-todo-entry "p"))
(setq org-confirm-elisp-link-function nil)
(imalison:add-to-org-agenda-files (org-projectile:todo-files))
(defun imalison:helm-org-todo (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(helm :sources (list (helm-source-org-capture-templates)
(if arg (org-capture-make-linked-todo-template)
:candidate-number-limit 99999
:buffer "*helm org capture templates*"))))